I walk into me and Max's shared hotel room and the moment he realizes it's me he immediately stands up and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I reluctantly push him away."We need have a serious talk sit down." I say completely serious and by the way Max reacted I could tell he knew the weight of my words.
I sit next to him on our shared bed, only to realize I have no idea what to even say, but luckily Max beats me to it, "Alexander I know I messed up, and I messed up real fucking bad, but please if we ever argue again just let me know where you are I was going crazy not knowing if you were safe or not."
I have to say I agree with that and I was dumb to just walk off not telling anyone where I went, knowing if Max did that I would also be acting insane trying to figure out if he is okay.
" I know that was a questionable decision from my side, but please Max just tell me right now and don't even think about lying to me." I take a breath before continuing, asking a question I was dreading, "Do you even want this? Us? I have been fighting for this relationship since the beginning and you keep finding a way or a reason this will not work, so give me the truth right here right now because I can apparently be worth losing your seat over but when it comes to a girl I am not good enough?"
He looks at me like I'm the crazy one and I'm confused, did he not understand what I am saying? Does he thinks this was some kind of joke?
"Alexander I am so utterly in love with you, I know I fucked up once again I should have know better and stopped Kelly flirting with me, but our team gets a heavy donation from her father each year so I didn't want to upset her, and yes I know I could have handled it better and when you confronted me I should have handled it more maturely but in that moment I was feeling to lance like you felt about Kelly."
"I'm sorry."
I know he means it, Max was never good at lying to me. I could see the truth behind his words and the sorry in his eyes. Technically we both were too hot headed and should have talked it out.
I sigh and let my head fall to his shoulder. " I have no doubts that you love me, I just... I don't know I don't want to always fight about if you really want me or not, I want to me your boyfriend without having to ask for reassurance every single second."
"And that is totally valid feelings Alexander, I know I haven't been the best boyfriend and you deserve the world, so I promise you I will do better not just for you but for us, because I never want to loose you again." He says looking at me with sadness in his eyes, that holds my heart in them, those fucking eyes of him.
He places a gentle kiss on my forehead and we just sit there with my head on his shoulder and his arm around my waist just existing together, just me and him.
After at least five minutes Max breaks the silence, " Christian gave me a great recommendation for a pasta place not too far from here if you want to go later, apparently they make the best Alfredo."
"Well I highly doubt it, you set my standards pretty high with your homemade Alfredo pasta it would be hard to beat." I tease making him let out a chuckle. " But I guess we can go, not like I can say no to your gorgeous face anyway."
"Then it is settled, it's a date." He says. We go back to just embracing each other but soon enough we have to get ready for dinner. As I stand up to head to the bathroom Max catches my hand and makes me look at him.
" I love you Alexander."
" I love you Max, always.
Author notes:Don't you just love a healthy relationship where they talk things out..... I wouldn't know lol😭 hopefully you guys caught the hint of why I haven't been writing, but I will try my best to upload more
Love you lots❤️❤️

FanfictionIn which Alexander Leclerc returns to Monaco after finishing his degree in History and comes face to face with the person he so desperately never wanted to see again. His first love. His first heartbreak. Formula 1 two time World Champion. Max Verst...