I enter the club, with Ander, Charles and Layla at my side. We immediately spot the group of drivers at the far end of the club, Danny standing on top of the table singing his heart out, while the others cheer him on. Clearly they have had a few drinks already.''Hey, let me go get everyone drinks already, what do you guys want.'' After taking their orders, I go get the drinks and head towards the table, ''Alex!!Just the guy I was looking for, tell them I would totally get some dick if I was gay.'' Danny says the moment I reach them, making me confused by this question. Danny looks at me patiently waiting for the answer, ''Uh yeah definitely.''
Danny seems happy with my answer as I sit down next to Layla who laughs at Danny's happy face.'' Okay but the real question is, who would get the most guys me or Danny.'' Lando ask, clearly just as drunk as Danny, ''Well you both are good looking, so both would definitely get a lot of guys but truthfully I know a lot of bottoms would love Danny.'' I say trying to hide my amusement as Lando seems genuinely upset and as for Danny he once again gets back on the table doing a celebratory dance.
Everyone at our table starts laughing at the whole situation at hand. After a few shots I can feel myself getting more drunk as the time passes, "Hey, let's go dance." I grab onto Ander, dragging him to the dance floor.
He grabs my waist while I hold onto his neck, we both completely in our own world enjoying ourselves. If there is one thing about Ander that I have always loved is dancing with him, it's just so fun and he always takes the lead, doing the most of the work with me following him.
A more sensual song comes on and we start practically grindding on each other, Ander begins laughing as I start to sing along even though my Spanish isn't the best.
I look towards are table that isn't far away, everyone looking like they are enjoying themselves. Well that was until I saw Max. We make eye contact and I can see the jealousy in his eyes. I raise my eyebrow in a questioning manner, resulting to him shaking his head at me.
I don't know if it is the liquid courage I drank earlier or the fact that Max looks so hot jealous that I decide to tease him a bit, " Can you do me a favor and kiss my neck?" I say in Anders ear while keeping my eye contact with Max, but yet still making sure he doesn't know what I am saying. " Sure, who are you trying to make jealous, you and Lando seem to get a long well." He says while giving me a smirk. "Shut up we're just friends, and consider this getting even when I made out with you to make that girl you liked jealous."
Not even a few moments later I feel Anders lips against my neck, kissing it. I can see Max looking like he wants to pull Ander off me, yet he doesn't and holds my gaze, while giving me a look telling me he wasn't going to break. Yeah well we will see about that.
I pull Ander away from my neck and start kissing his neck, god how I wished it was Max, I know after that kiss I told myself to stay away but I couldn't, can you blame me he has always been the one I longed for even if I tried so hard not to.
I look at Max seeing that he hasn't pulled his eyes of me, yet he looks like he is fuming, it makes me think of his Mad Max days, and oh my how hot he looked.
He slowly makes his way through the crowd and I pull Ander completely away, " Yo, who would have thought, Max of all people, although don't blame you he is good looking, now that my work here is done go get some dick." Ander says and disappear it into the mass of people on the dance floor.
Though my attention is only on Max, I start to walk towards him, meeting him halfway. We both just stand still looking at each other, I can see his jaw flexing the blue lighting of the club making him look more ethereal.
I don't know where any of this comes from but before I could stop myself I ask him, " Do you want to go back to my hotel room?" I see the wheels turning in his head as he is thinking about my offer, " I don't even know why I asked that, I'm sorry just forget about it" I say.
I have no idea why on earth did I think to ask him this, knowing he would certainly reject me. I take my first step in the direction of our table, trying to avoid it getting akward between me and Max.
Before I get farther, Max's tight grip grabs my a stopping me, "We can, do you want me to get a Uber, or should we walk the hotel is down the street is it not?"
This time he is the one that has me at a loss of words, not only because I didn't think he would actually agree to go back to my hotel room but also how he even knew what hotel I'm staying at.
"Uhh we can walk."We leave the club, both of us completely in our own little world forgetting about our friends.
As we walk on the sidewalk our hands brush against each other's, and as cringe as it is butterflies erupt in my stomach, I feel like a teenage boy experiencing what it's liked to be touched by someone you like. God what is wrong with me.
We make in into the lobby of the hotel and quickly walk towards the elevator. As I push the button, resulting in the doors closing, I can feel the tension get thicker.
I swear since the beginning of time me and Max had this tension and it seems no certain amount of years apart is going to disrupt it, more so fuel it, knowing how much we both clearly want- no need this.
Before I can even try and lessen the tension by congratulating him, Max catches me off guard pushing me against the elevators doors kissing me so hard I could literally feel the desire and lust from him.
I snake my hands in his hair slightly tugging at it causing him to let out the most fucking amazing groan I have ever heard. I feel like time has stopped and I can feel myself getting harder by every passing second and clearly Max feels it too as he slowly moves his hand lower, brushing his hand over my hard-on, yet he pulls away as the elevator opens, " Fuck" I mumble catching my breath.
Thank fuck my room is close to the beginning of this hallway because the way Max looks, his hair all messed up, lips swollen and the look in his eyes wants me to honestly let him have his way with me right here and now.
Luckily for the both of us we quickly reach my room. I open the door and Max walks in with me following, and the moment I turn the lock on the door I know all my defenses I buit up these past 6 years against wanting to let Max in has completely crumbled.
Author here
Sorry for late update I had a huge test I had to study for.
Also thank you for 2k read❤️love you all lots

FanfictionIn which Alexander Leclerc returns to Monaco after finishing his degree in History and comes face to face with the person he so desperately never wanted to see again. His first love. His first heartbreak. Formula 1 two time World Champion. Max Verst...