Chapter 6

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Back to Alexander's POV:

''I'm sorry I did not see no someone else were out here, I am just going to leave'' I say not wanting to disturb Max's peace.''No it's fine you can stay'' he says surprising me.

I sit down near him on the sidewalk. We sit in silence, surprisingly it is not awkward at all. It makes me think about how in the past we usauslly sat in a comfortable silence both doing our own thing.

I take a moment to observe him, as he has his eyes closed again. He has not changed much over the years, although his features has definitely matured, now having a sharper jawline and light facial hair. And as much as I hate admitting it too myself he looks fucking attractive, don't get me wrong he has always been,but for some reason these small changes I am noticing makes him look even more beautiful and alluring.I audibly sigh and stare up to the stars admiring each one.

After about five minutes of silence I speak up,''You know I always knew you would do it,'' causing him to open his eyes and look at me confused, ''Win the World championship I mean, You have always been one of the best drivers, even if you doubted yourself, I knew you would achieve it one day.'' I say genuinely, anyone with a pair of working eyes can tell the pure talent he has.

''Thank you, that means a lot coming from you.'' he says looking at me with a small smile on his lips. Before I can even think about his response he says '' You know I always knew you could do it, Graduate from Oxford and become a Historian I mean.'' his words causing me to laugh.

''Yeah, guess we both achieved the dreams our teenage selves wanted to accomplish one day.'' I say thinking back to when I was younger. " They would die if they found out everything worked out." He says, yet I can hear a little bit of disappointment in his voice for some reason.

"Funny enough I did end up getting two cats." Max says making me laugh. We one day went out on a date a a random lady was doing palm readings, after begging Max to get his future read with me, she revealed that he was going to have an amazing career and two cats, a strange combination yet both seems to have come true.

"Now that I think of it maybe she was actually a real fortune teller, because I did win the lottery last year, it was only ten pounds, but it's better than nothing I suppose." I say.

Both of us once again in silence, probably thinking about what the palm reader/fortune teller also told us.According to her me and Max are each other's soulmates, 'destined' to be, completing each other, meant to always be together. Guess some fortunes aren't true.

"But for real, Alexander I'm glad to know you reached your goals." the way the says my name doing things to me, he has always called me my full name and ironically only called me Alex in serious situations.

" Thank you" I say not knowing how to respond to what he said.

After another 5 minutes of sitting in comfortable silence I hear footsteps approaching us, " So this is where you are camping out, surprised neither of you have tried to kill each other." Danny says jokingly.

"How do you know I haven't tried to kill him?" Max ask in a questionable tone like he is dead serious. " You both love each other to much to do that." Danny says like it's nothing, after both me and Max stayed quiet an Akward atmosphere surrounding both of us, Danny realize what he said.

"Uhh, Let's head back inside, Charles is also looking for you Alex he wants to head back to the hotel and apparently he is your ride." Danny says with an uncomfortable look on his face, clearly realizing what he said made everything uncomfortable.

I quickly stand up and make my way into the club once again leaving Daniel and Max. The last thing I want to hear now is Danny trying to make his words sound better.

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