Chapter 241 A Negotiation

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This is a strange thing, my father would wait for them to come home in the living room.

Do not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, this sentence applies to the father, it should be "wait for the son in the living room for nothing." '

"Are you okay?" Ling Qingyu looked at his father with the same cold face with that cold face that looked like Ling Weichuan.

With an attitude of fairness and equality, Ling Weichuan pointed to the sofa opposite: "I have something to chat with you, please sit down."

The three cubs took off their schoolbags and sat on the sofa in a row.

Ling Weichuan didn't hold back, and cut straight to the point: "Tomorrow, your little dad and I are going to go on a trip. I hope you can directly refuse."

The little rabbit looks like Jiang Zhiyu, especially the eyes. He blinked and asked, "Why? We also want to go out and play."

Ling Weichuan spread out the conditions and said: "In the few days when we are not at home, you can do what you want."

"We don't have anything else we want to do, and we want to play with little daddy." Ling Qingyu refused to budge.

His Royal Highness continued: "I can promise you that you will enter school one year later."

The three little bean dings hesitated. They really didn't want to go to school to study with other people. Compared with the study atmosphere at home, they preferred it.

I don't want to make any friends or deal with teachers.

"Next time I can let you go out to play with little dad alone, I won't follow." His Royal Highness continued his efforts.

The eyes of the three cubs lit up, without even thinking about it: "Deal!"

As long as there is no father around, they can at least stay with their little daddy, and there won't be an ignorant adult competing for favor with them.

Although His Royal Highness is a little speechless, how much I am disgusted by my sons.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, he will go to the front line soon, even if Jiang Zhiyu sleeps with the children in his arms, he can't control it anymore.

Besides, he is a magnanimous man, so he won't care about these things.

Ling Qingyu took his younger brothers upstairs to wash and rest, Ling Weichuan also turned off the lights, went back to the bedroom, and slept with his lovely baby in his arms.

They don't have to work tomorrow, they can sleep in for a while, and they will start at noon when they go out to play, so there is no rush.

When Jiang Zhiyu woke up in the morning, he rubbed his eyes in a daze.

Last night, maybe I was too tired and fell asleep directly, and I fell into a deep sleep for a second, and I didn't subconsciously turn into a bunny.

Ling Weichuan next to him was still sleeping, and Jiang Zhiyu felt sorry for him. Could it be that he caught a cold again?

He stretched out his hand to test the temperature on Ling Weichuan's forehead, but luckily the temperature was normal.

I looked at the time, it was past nine in the morning.

It was rare for Ling Weichuan to sleep late, and he couldn't bear to disturb him. But thinking about the cubs again, I don't know if they have eaten breakfast. Usually, if he didn't get up in the morning and Ling Weichuan didn't have time, Mao Mao Rabbit would take the initiative to make breakfast, and it should be the same today.

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