Chapter 132 Growing a Huge Pumpkin

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On the second day after Jiang Zhiyu arrived, he immediately dealt with the two of them in a thunderous manner. One of them is also the research leader of their planting planet!

This matter spread all over the base immediately, and even those who wanted to be monsters didn't dare to show their heads, and they all shut their mouths tightly and dared not cause trouble again.

The person Jiang Zhiyu recruited to farm this time was not a researcher at the base, but a local farmer. Let them choose other unplanted land to grow vegetables.

The researchers didn't know about this matter directly, because Jiang Zhiyu was worried that those bad-hearted people would make trouble.

It's better not to let them know as much as possible, at least not to let them know before Ling Weichuan comes.

Otherwise, they might think that Jiang Zhiyu's little Tutu is easy to bully, so they deliberately came to bully him.

Jiang Zhiyu himself was not idle, because he saw the recently planted land yesterday, and the soil pollution rate was quite high, so he planned to use an instrument to check it today.

The land he chose happened to be the head teacher's land, which was quite polluted and had traces of being trampled by wild animals.

"What kind of footprints are these? Can you see them?" Jiang Zhiyu squatted on the ground. He couldn't tell what kind of animal these footprints looked like, as if he had never seen them before.

The others also knelt down to watch with him, Nan Yu touched his chin: "It seems that there is everything."

Yu Qing pointed to a long trace: "This must be the trace that snakes moved."

"This looks like a canine footprint."

Many footprints have been recognized, Jiang Zhiyu counted, there are at least ten kinds of animal footprints.

He frowned and looked at the edge of the barren mountain just a few hundred meters away.

"Why did you open up the land here? This should be the range where wild beasts can move in the mountains. Although this planet is not big, there should be a lot of places for farming. Wouldn't it be better to choose another place?"

The researcher who was arrested for questioning replied: "The new researchers can only be allocated these relatively remote lands, and the other relatively middle lands are all allocated by older researchers."

Jiang Zhiyu laughed angrily, looked at this relatively young researcher, and sneered: "You guys are really good at it, a planting planet has been played so dirty by you, and you can't even learn to farm honestly? You guys are needed What do researchers do?"

The researcher opened his mouth several times to refute, but didn't know where to start.

He wanted to say that this young master is too naive, which workplace is not black now? Which unit has he not twisted around?

Maybe it's just invisible on the surface, but in fact, he's already rotten inside.

Jiang Zhiyu, who had never experienced these things before, really didn't know. He continued to look at the land tiredly, and said, "This time, the land planting arrangements will be changed again, and the distribution will be made according to the contribution value in a fair and just manner."

"Also, find some people who are familiar with the local terrain and take us into this mountain to have a look." Jiang Zhiyu looked at the barren mountain with dead branches, frowning tightly.

He probed with his mental power, and he roughly understood that this was the reason why the soil was polluted and even gradually began to die.

There are quite a few creatures inside, and it seems that those beasts who trampled on the vegetable fields did it.

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