The Anger, the Angry, and the Angrier.

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Is it okay to stop mindfulness for a while for the reason that lately I feel that I am "using it" to avoid experiencing feelings of anxiety, anger, etc., which does not seem healthy to me?

Avoidance is never they key to moving through our plethora of emotions, avoiding often increases anxiety, and over time can further confuse where those feelings originally came from. Practicing mindfulness should include mindfulness of your negative emotions as well; only when we give ourselves permission to experience those feelings, accept them for their true nature, and release the negativity associated with them can we learn to move through them without stuffing them back down - a sure way to compound the very negativity we're trying to release!

If you've been advised to practice mindfulness as a means of avoidance, then the person who you learned this from likely hasn't mastered this self meditative practice, or experienced the inner peace of being mentally and emotionally balanced. Negative feelings are as primal and instinctive as positive ones, and often times have direct and sometimes tacit relationships with self-preservation and avoiding harm. Feeling bad might not feel good, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are "bad" feelin

How can you deal with anger at work without making the situation worse for others?

By choosing to hold your tongue or walk away from the situation before either person can elevate the drama.

What are some tips for handling anger, based on the advice of Chanakya?

Accept your anger. Bless your anger. Let your anger go. Now, accept that you are no longer angry.

Do people with anger issues always express their anger?

It's healthy for everyone to express their emotional state, people with "anger issues" struggle to express those negative-energy emotions in pro-social (non-destructive) ways. Keeping anger in, or masking/ignoring your emotional state only causes anxiety and eventually develops into more severe cognitive function issues. So whether a person has "anger issues" or not, it's always best to learn how to express true feelings without hurting others.

Why do people get angry more easily online than in real life? Is it because they're anonymous and there are no consequences for bad behavior when they're behind a computer screen?

Honest anonymity is rare and improbable, and everything has consequences; whether you can observe them from your perspective or not. When everyone is given a pulpit, everyone is enabled to preach; the more that's being preached by a growing population of preachers; the more views come into conflict more often. And the more conflict we're exposed to the harder it becomes to find a place of peace - the more dimensions you give to an idea, the harder it becomes to define. That's what the math tells us, anyways.

Don't let the conflicts in your life cause you to lose your way.

What are some ways to control anger and stress by thinking positive thoughts?

The answers you seek lie within the question.

How do I get over my inferiority complexes? I get angry when I find people more attractive or intelligent or richer than me its been happening a lot since this year i am mad about these things and I take it out on others and I cry.

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