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What makes you feel good when people try to put you down?

That they're the ones missing out.

What are some things that people with low self-esteem tend to do that keep them from seeing their own worth?

From experience, I would suggest that the primary and most harmful thing that reinforces low self-esteem is when we re-frame our thoughts in someone else's voice. Let's face it - we all have a "Karen" in our lives, whose constant negative feedback and poor attitude slowly drains us. And we all use Karen's voice to reinforce the negative beliefs we have of ourselves.

Re-framing our thoughts in someone else's voice is harmful because it allows us to assume the role of a victim, and falling for this lie leads us to believe that we are truly helpless bystanders in controlling our self-worth.

Silence your Karen, and begin asking yourself: "Where did this belief come from?"

You'll be surprised at the answers you begin to find.

Why do happy people and people with self esteem annoy me? Honestly I miss the shut down because most of you were miserable/suffering while I got to do what I wanted. If you were all enslaved or tortured/ impaled on spits outside my window 👍.

What was it that you got to do during the social distancing campaign that you're not able to enjoy anymore? It's likely that seeing others' happiness causes you to feel uncomfortable because at the present, that level of self-esteem or contentedness seems like an unachievable or unrealistic goal from your perspective. I spent years of my life trapped in my own version of that self image, and the only lesson that was worth learning during that time of my life was that feelings, perspectives, and circumstances change. We live in a quantum universe that would not be physically possible, let alone perceivable, if it wasn't for the inescapable nature of states of change. And the chemical-dumps we "feel" as physical sensations from the different emotions we consciously and subconsciously cycle through are also static.

The longer that a person basis their decisions off of the static nature of the feelings they're subjected to, the longer they can expect to see static, and often chaotic results. This rule of thumb could apply to internal decisions, as well as the external ones.

Authors opinion:

Sometimes, life is just shit. As of the time of writing this, I'm a few weeks away from being homeless, and haven't secured a contract in months, so I've been writing part time and looking for more work the rest of the time. Just because my life feels like shit right now, doesn't mean I have to entertain the misery with company; when I can just as easily use the random things I've gleaned along the path to the benefit of others. At the end of the day, it feels a lot better than the alternative would make me feel. You never know, it may work for you, too.

I have low confidence because of numerous failures. I think it is too costly and demanding to recover from them. How can I get through these failures?

Thomas Edison tried to make a lightbulb nearly a thousand times before he finally achieved a working prototype, even with an advanced understanding of electrical currents. He never called himself a failure, instead, he boasted of the many ways he learned not to make a lightbulb.

Sometimes it's just a matter of perspective.

Can being near someone wearing perfume make another person feel insecure?

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