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                            I walk back home thinking about Armaros. He is nothing but a lame idiot. I frown my eyebrows, angry at myself for thinking too much about him. I open the gates of the mansion and walk briskly. The front door of the mansion opens and I find Anne smiling brightly at me.

"Welcome back, Young Mistress." she says.

"You don't have to call me that all the time. Call me by my name." I say and walk in.

"I am sorry, Young Mistress, but it is my duty to respect you." she says.

"Suit yourself. By the way, where is Adam....and mom?" I ask her.

"They are in the headquarters......they will come back by night." she says.

I nod and go back to my room. I change my school uniform and wear a plain shirt and jeans. I study my new school books for the next four hours.

Just as the clock strikes 9:00 p.m. Anne knocks the door of my room.

"Young Mistress, dinner is ready!" she says as I open the door.

"What about Adam and mom?" I ask her.

"They haven't arrived yet, they are busy in work. They might or might not come tonight." she says.

"Did you eat?" I ask her.

"I will, once your dinner is done." she says.

"Oh okay. Please bring the dinner to my bedroom." I say and she bows.

I don't want to eat in the dinning hall all alone. The empty chairs, and silence makes me feel sad and weird. I would rather eat alone in my bedroom reading books, than eat alone in the huge dinning hall.

In about ten minutes, Anne brings a tray, which has tomato soup, bowl of rice, a curry and some salad. I eat everything in thirty minutes and thank Anne.

Not having anything to do, I just lie down on my bed. Life was always boring. It has become more boring now. Suddenly, the images of those two girls at my town flash in my mind. Out of everyone in my old school, they looked really fun to hang out. I wish I had friends too. I wish I can enjoy with others, but I don't know how to. Slowly, I drift off to sleep.....

I wake up early in the morning and find that Adam and mom have not returned from the headquarters. I just stuff something in my mouth, wear my school uniform and walk to school. As I pass through the courtyard, I find the wall still in place, but nothing has happened to it. Armaros couldn't break it. Such an idiot.

I walk to my class and sit near the window. Immediately, all the girls and boys gather around my seat, leaving Cana alone. She glares and frowns at me, but changes it immediately to a smile and walks towards my seat.

"Yo! how did you break the wall? It's sooo amazing! I din't know you are able to control water." a boy exclaims.

"No wonder, you are a Frost. You are gifted and special, like others from your clan." a girl says.

"Oh" I saw awkwardly. It's really rare for me to get such attention, so I just nod at everything they say.

Soon, Armaros walks and sits in front of me. He looks really tired and exhausted and I am sure he barely even slept. His eyes which are usually attractive and beaming, are dull and sleepy. His hands which were bleeding and swelled yesterday seems to be healed completely. How is that possible? 

Armaros looks at me and rolls his eyes at the sight of boys and girls gathering around me.

"Pfft, he is just jealous of your attention." a boy says with a disgusted look.

"Well, I have heard he kept punching the wall till 3 a.m. last night, and it was not until the security threatened him that he will be expelled, that he left the school." a girl whispers to all of us.

I stare at Armaros immediately. Why would he go that far just to prove his worth? He is really crazy.

"He is a fool, he won't be able to do anything." a boy says loudly, making sure Armaros hears it.

"Henry is not a fool." Cana says glaring at the boy and he just rolls his eyes.

"I know he is handsome, Cana. But, he doesn't deserve any love or affection. He cannot achieve anything." a girl says to Cana and that's when I remember the way the people of my town treated me, and how much it hurt me, when they hated my very existence.

"You cannot decide if a person deserves to be loved or not. Everyone in this world deserves to be loved, and do no underestimate him too much. We never know when a person can break the barriers and evolve into something great."  I say, remembering the crack Armaros made when he punched the wall yesterday evening.

Everyone look at each other and Cana places her hand on my shoulder tightly gripping it.

"I thought he was your enemy." Cana whispers in an angry tone. I look at her as she stares at me with jealousy and hatred that remind me of the people of my town. I just sit silently, and look away, not knowing what to answer. He is my enemy, yes. But, why am I supporting him? Why do I even care about him? I do not know....

 The bell rings and everyone sit in their places. Ms. Ruby walks in and places her books on the table.

"Class! We have two new students joining us. Welcome them." she says and two girls walk into the classroom. I widen my eyes in shock, when I see the two girls. It's the ash blonde hair girl and the black hair girl. The whole class murmurs.

"I am Mary Stone. I love anything which is related to food." the ash blonde hair girl says moving her dark blue eyes here and there, scanning the whole classroom. Few students in the class laugh.

"I-I...I am Rebecca Miles. all." the black hair girl says, her brown eyes are innocent and nervous.

"Well....Mary, Rebecca, take your seats in the class. Everyone, I expect all of you to be friendly and caring." Ms. Ruby says.

Mary and Rebecca walk towards me, and for some reason I get tensed. I hope they don't remember me from the town, or about how I stared at them during the festival. Mary sits beside me, while Rebecca sits in front of her, diagonal to me, beside Armaros. 

Usually, I feel bored or just empty during class. But, why do I feel a weird tension in my heart when I am surrounded by these three? Why do I feel like things will be fun with these three around? I look at Mary and Rebecca. They just open books and listen to the class silently. Armaros, on the other hand, lies down with a book covering his head. A small smile creeps up my face. Armaros is my enemy for sure, but why do I find him interesting? Mary and Rebecca....they are just random people of my town, there is nothing special about them. Since when did I start feeling so conscious about the people surrounding me? When did I start developing new feelings that I never experienced..........

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