Never trust a snake

540 23 58

(Y/n) lays in the empty bed, looking up at the ceiling. There was too much on her mind to go to sleep.

Going with an random old to become a ninja wasn't on her to-do list.

She sits up when shivers run up her spine, the feeling of being watched. She looks around the dark room.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

She shakes her head "It's probably just in my head. I should get some sleep, Sensei wants me up early tommorow"

She lays back on bed, her (e/c) flickered close. Her conscious falling away as her chest softly rises and falls.

A fist tightens, as two glowing eyes glare at her sleeping figure. Their figure stalk towards the bed.

Anger burns in side them. They raise up their first above their head, slamming it down on her. Their anger mellows as they watch their hand go through the girl's body.

"I won't let myself get replaced" They mutter, dissapearing from the room.


"Forty-six...forty-seven...forty-eight" (Y/n) holds her eyes close as she holds still in a handstand. Her hands were set stiffly on the deck.

"Hey, (Y/n), have you broke your record yet?" She could hear Jay ask.

Opening her eyes, she finds her teammates had arrived on deck. She swings her legs down to stand.

"Nope, but I will keep trying. Sleep well?" She asks.

"Zane, over here had a pretty intresting dream. He was just telling us about it" Kai answers, leaning on the mentioned ice ninja.

Zane turns his head to look at the (h/c) haired girl "It was the green ninja, they were fighting lord garmadon. They had attributes of each of us: Kai's fire, Cole strength, Jay's nunchucks, the Falcon and even your fighting style" He explains.

"The green ninja? You mean the one mentioned in that cryptic scroll?" (Y/n) questions, getting a nod in return from Zane.

Sensei Wu walks onto deck and faces his students. "All right. Stretches. First, the Swooping Crane" He turns around and position himself.

"Was there any other clues of who it was?" Jay whispers, as he and the others follow the elderly man's moves.

"Now, Pinching Crab"

"No, I couldn't regonise their through mask. They didn't talk either" Zane reponds.

"Come on, here has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is gonna be the Green Nin-" Kai gets cut off by Sensei Wu, who pulls on the hot headed teen's hair.

"Ow, ow, ow! Hey!"

"What was so important to ignore my teachings?" Sensei Wu questions.

"Uh, nothing"

"It was nothing, Sensei"

"Yeah, we don't talk while you teach"

"Everyone was paying attention"

"I wasn't talking, Sensei"

"Since you all appear to be lacking in focus, then you can all share in the punishment" Sensei Wu says, placing his arms behind his back.

"What?" Kai lets out.

"Punishment?" Jay echoes in surprise.

"It was all Zane" Cole points to the white ninja

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