Wrong Place, Wrong Time

400 16 45

Kai and cole carefully sets a bed with green bed sheets down, near the other bunkbeds in the room. Lloyd places his green dragon plushie onto it, watching it fall over onto its side.

The door of the room opens "Hey, did you guys move everything in?" (Y/n)'s voices chimes.

The others turn towards the door, only to find Zane standing in the doorway. Before it could questioned, the (h/c)nette pokes her head from behind the ice ninja .

Cole eyes the two, seeming very confused "What are you doing?"

"Zane offered to give me a Piggy back ride as a thank you for giving him one when you guys shrinked, he wouldn't take no as an answer" (Y/n) explains, holding tightly onto Zane's shoulders as he holds her up.

"I just wanted to repay your kind action" Zane replies, smiling at the girl. Who returns it.

"Well, Sensei want you guys in training room for training. He wants to make sure Lloyd is adjusted to his new body" (Y/n) pats Zane's shoulder "Jip, jip"

Zane nods and walks off, with (Y/n) still on his back. Jay and Kai follow suit behind them.

Cole was about to follow suit when he notices Lloyd sitting on his bed, looking somberly. He takes a seat next to the blond "What's up with you, are you already hating that you have to room with us?"

Shaking his head, Lloyd sighs "It's not that, it's (Y/n). It feels like she's been ignoring ever since I grew up"

The ravennette lets out a chuckle "I know what is going"

"You do?"

"Yeah, cause I was in the same situation I was younger. Growing up, me and (Y/n) were really close. That was until... Someone showed up and began isolating (Y/n) from me. It felt like (Y/n) was ignoring me, but it wasn't true."

Cole continues "The reason why it feels like she is ignoring is because she isn't as protective over you . She knows that you're in safe hands" he places his hand on the younger boy's back "Now, come on, we don't the others to wait too long"

Getting a nod from Lloyd, the two walk out and to the others.

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

"Your new body is a fighting instrument. Listen to it"

Lloyd sits in a meditation position in the middle of the training room, surrounded by the five ninja.

Cole was the first to attack, swinging his scyth at Lloyd. The blonde quickly ducks and kicks the weapon away fit his foot.

Then grabs onto Jay's nunchucks, pulling the ginger over his shoulder. He jumps up just in time to dodge Zane's shurkins.

The shurkins land in the Watermelon Nya was holding (for some reason). "Since he's grown, he's learning faster, Sensei"

"But will it be enough to challenge Lord Garmadon? Only time will tell" Sensei Wu replies, stroking his magic beard.

Next up was (Y/n), who runs at Lloyd with her staff. Lloyd grabs onto it, pushing it back. The two had a power struggle. Till Lloyd takes a step back, pulling the staff. He swings around and lets go, making the girl fly off.

She gets flung into Jay, who was still knocked to the ground. (Y/n) let's out a groan, feeling the wind knocked out of her.

Jay's face turns red, he quickly pushes the girl off and gets up. "Sorry" He mutters, brushes the dust off his gi.

Kai remove his Katana from its sheat, drawing Lloyd's attention. The fire ninja stand the Katana towards him, which Lloyd grabs it.

His hands begin to shake, as he tries to use his powers. Suddenly Kai pulls back, making Lloyd fall to the ground.

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