Tommorow comes today

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A bike decorated with crystal speeds across the way, catching a few eyes. No one could see their face, due to the helmet they were wearing.

Underneath the helmet, (Y/n) hums to herself. She thinks back to the letter she left for the others to find.

'Dear friends and family,

You've known me for years now, many great adventures we had. And one thing you know about me, is that I don't like staying around in one place for too long. I always wanted to travel and explore the world. Since Ninjago is saved, I can finally follow my goal.

The reason why I am leaving you this letter instead of telling you myself, is because I know you guys would try and stop me. I love you guys, I always feel so happy when I look back to all adventures. This is not goodbye, it's just till later.

- (Y/n)'

She hits the brake once reached her first destination: The Old Wood Library. She places her helmet on the bike's seat.

The (H/c)nette enters the nostalgic building, smiling at the sight that it was more clean since she last was there. Their reunion truly improved Jennette's view of the library.

"Took you long enough. I heard you defeated the Overlord, well atleast Lloyd did"

An all too familiar voice calls out to her. Sitting behind the front desk, was none other than her sister. She had a smirk on her face, leaning on her hand.

She gets up from the chair and approaches the younger (L/n). She pulls (Y/n) into a quick hug, which she returns. Her brown eyes notices the bag hanging around her sister's form "Don't tell me you're going to run off again"

(Y/n) lets out a chuckle, scratching the back of her neck "You know me a bit too well. But this time I'm not going avoid those I love, I am just going to explore Ninjago as much as I can" She explains, before her expression turns focused "A quick question, do you have any books related to crystal?"

The question takes Jennette off guard, before she regains her stableness "Do you want to explore your powers more or..?"

Letting out a sigh, (Y/n) diverts her eyes "My whole life, I've never known my biological parents. The only thing I have is a fague dream, but I can't live with that. My mother left me at the orphanage for a reason, and I need to know that reason"

Jennette nods "I understand. We can look at elemental related books and if we can't find anything there, we'll look under C"

The next few hours, the two girls look for book related to crystals. They did find a book about other elements, but not crystal.

"It should be here, so where did it go?" Jennette's eyebrows furrow, looking at the gap between two books.

"Wait...I remember. Back when those two goons broke in while me and my friends were here" (Y/n) mentions, her eyes slightly widening.

"You kept it this whole ti-" Jennette couldn't finish her sentence, as they hear a book hitting the ground. It made a loud noise, catching everyone's attention.

"Crap, we're caught. We have to go" A mysterious figure whispers to another. They were wearing cloacks, purple paint of their faces.

"We can't go without the book, master Chen would roast us like pigs" The other replied.

They spot the ninja pulling out of their weapons. Panicking, one of the figure pushes a bookcase over. It falls over, making a domino effect with the bookcases.

"It's one thing to steal something from my home, it's another to hurt my family" She suddenly shoots forward, appearing infront of them "Leave and never return"

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