Double Trouble

442 18 139

(Song is from Nya's pov)

Lloyd holds onto the lightbulb tightly, it begins to slightly light up.

Putting his hand on the boy's back, Jay says "Focus, Lloyd. Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge welling up, harness it"

"I understand. I am in control" Lloyd focuses his energy on the light bulb. It glows before shattering "Aargh! Stupid light bulb! You're putting too much pressure on me. Let me have one more try"

"Ugh, sorry, Lloyd. That was the last light bulb" Kai reponds, making Lloyd frown.

Cole hands the blond a broom "Clean up, Lloyd. We'll continue training tomorrow"

Lloyd snatches it and uses it to hit a punching bag. He seemed clearly frustrated.

Jay sighs "What am I doing wrong, Sensei Wu? I can't seem to teach him to control his power"

"Our powers are different compared to his" (Y/n) chimes "You four used your elements through the golden weapons, like magic wands. You can see it as a crutch, and Lloyd doesn't have that, he's also a kid"

"What about you? When you unlocked your elemental powers, you didn't seem to have any trouble with it" Kai questions the (h/c) haired girl.

"Well, it's kinda like when your play pretend. I imagine it and it happens. It's a little complicated to explain" (Y/n) answers.

"Patience. Sometimes, the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially true of Lloyd. Remember where he came from. He's the son of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take time for him to embrace the light" Sensei Wu explains, pulling Jay aside.

The sliding door opens to reveal none other than Nya "Hey, guys" she greets.

"Hey, Nya"

"Hey, Jay. Uh, wanna come by the autobody shop later?" She asks, holding something behind her back.

"Uh, the autobody shop?" Jay repeats in confusion.

"Yeah. I got a part-time job. Though I could fix up the Ultra Sonic Raider in my off time. Maybe if you come over, I can show you what I've been working on"
Nya explains.

"Uh, sure, heh" Jay's eyes latch onto a letter Nya was holding in her hand "Uh, what you got there?"

The ravennette hands it to Sensei Wu "Oh, um, this letter came for Lloyd"

The old man inspects the letter "Hmm. It's from Lloyd's old school" (Y/n) walks over and looks over his shoulder, trying to a good look of it.

"The Darkley School for Bad Boys?" Cole chimes.

"Formerly Bad Boys" Sensei Wu corrects "Since the last time we were there, they've changed to the Darkley School for Great Children"

"Heh, wait. They've turned good?" Kai asks.

"Honestly, a big improvement" (Y/n) remarks.

"Hmm, it says here there's going to be a ceremony" Sensei reads outloud.

"I love ceremonies. That means there's going to be cake" Cole says excitedly.

"Lloyd's change inspired them. Now they've invited Lloyd to give him an honorary degree in excellence"

They look over, watching Lloyd break the broom and headbutting the punchingbag, falling right onto his face.

"Are we sure we're talking about the same Lloyd?"

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

The ninja cheer as the mega dragon soars through the sky. Lloyd was at the front, steering th dragon. Behind him was (Y/n), holding tightly onto the small boy's shoulder.

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