All of Nothing

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A woman with (h/c) hair swings two crystal themed dagger at a brunette wearing a black and purple outfit, who swiftly dodges the attacks.

He grabs her wrist to stop futher movement. Thinking quickly, she swipes his leg, making them both fall to the ground.

The woman chuckles "Funny position, isn't it, Garma-boy?" Not pushing back her hands while he was still holding her wrist.

The man playfully rolls his eyes "As much as I love your spunk, you have to be less reckless"

"Come on, what's the harm?" The woman replies, a smirk present on her (s/c) face.

"It won't be fun burying your dead body, will it?" Garmadon shot back.


"Touché" She reponds, getting off him. She puts the crystal daggers to the side of her belt. She holds her hand for him to grab, only for the last moment to lift it up "Too late"

"Real mature" Garmadon mutters, wrapping himself. He brushes the dust of the outfit.

"Welp, I have to go. Lightning would kill me if I'm late" The (h/c)nette walks to the door, giving a wink before fully leaving.

The main sliding door opens, a young Wu walks through it, holding a staff by his side.

"How did training go, brother?" He questions, walks up to Garmadon to stand next him.

"Her arrogance will lead her to her own demise" Garmadon replies, not taking his redish eyes off the door the woman had walked out of.

"Cecelia is an interesting case, she doesn't consider the consequences of her actions. She is lucky that she hasn't dug herself in too deep" Wu observes.

"Let's hope she doesn't get into something dangerous"


A Venomari runs over sidewalking, panting heavily. They look back time to time, trying to spot something.

Their running came to a hault when they find the white walking out of the most, holding up his shurkins.

The Venomari anxiously walks back as Zane throws his weapons into the ground, spreading the surrounding area in cold ice.

They quickly running away, only to met with a ball of lightning ontop of a electricity pole. Jay jumps down and wips his nunchucks, making little sparks come out.

With their tail between their legs, the green snake rushes into a nearby alleyway. Only to notice that the fire ninja was standing there, waiting for them.

They turn to run futher into the alleyway, but gets to face (Y/n) standing there. They back up and hits Cole's chest, making them fall to the ground.

"Going somewhere?" Cole says with a smirk, placing his hands on his hips.

The five ninja gather around to surround the fallen snake. Kai places his sword on to the Serpentine's neck, making them let out a "Uh-oh"

"Thought you could joyride through town and not be noticed, eh? Where's the last Fangblade?" Jay questions in a threatening voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about" The Venomari denies.

"You know what it is. The fourth Fangblade. When Pythor finds them all, he plans to unleash the Great Devourer" Kai says, pushing his sword slightly more against their throat.

"Oh, that Fangblade" The snake laughs "You're too late. Pythor's already there now. He's probably already digging it up. If I were you, I'd start preparing for the worst, because when the Great Devourer is awakened, there will be nothing it won't consume!"

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