The Last Hope

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(I drew this back in october)

Letting out a sigh, (Y/n) gazes up to the sun through the trees. She could feel the sunlight shining on her face.

Being on a tropical island can get quite hot, the burning sun and the sand reflecting it. Having a gi on the whole time didn't help it.

She slips her gi off her shoulders and ties the sleeves around her waist. Her arms, shoulders and torso were exposed. Her chest was bind with bandage, covering the area.

"That's better" She mutters under her breath. Her (e/c) eyes latch onto a coconut that was launched into the air, before being destroyed by a fireball.

'Seems like they are enjoying having their powers back' The (h/c)nette thinks to herself. She strolls over to where she saw the coconut coming from.

Spotting her four teammates, she smiles. Each was holding their elemental sword and wearing beach appropriate outfits. Their backs were turned to her, looking towards the ocean.

Approaches them, she chimes "Hey guys, I see you having fun with your powers" She places her hands onto her hips, standing next to the others.

"Yeah, I missed having my elemental power. Now you aren't the only o-" Cole cuts himself off when he turns to look at her, taking in how she looked.

"Where is your gi?"

"Right here?" (Y/n) points to her gi that was holding onto her waist. She looks at him with no expression.

The others lean over to see what was happening, each noticing (Y/n)'s appearance. Jay give it a glance, before looking off into the distance. Kai had wide eyes, staring somewhat shamelessly. While Zane was confused by the odd reactions of his teammates.

"Put it back on" Cole instructs the girl, sounding a bit irritated.

"What, no. You and Kai are shirtless, why can't I be?" (Y/n) complains, crossing her arms. She slightly pouts.

The earth ninja lets out a groan "I...I don't want anyone seeing you looking like that" he explains, not amused by his best friend's reaction.

"Heh, come one, guys" Jay akwardly chuckles. He throws up a coconut "We're trying to relax, we don't have to fight" He uses his lightning sword, exploring the coconut.

"Enough!" Sensei Wu calls out his students, standing on a nearby hill "Are you trying to reveal our hidden location?"

"Uh, sorry, Sensei" Kai apologizes, scratching the back of his neck "We were just practicing our cool new Elemental Blades"

"Be wary of overconfidence, ninja. While it is true your powers can defeat the Stone Army, only Lloyd alone has the power to defeat Garmadon. When it is all over, then we will see who laughs last" The old man warns them with a stern voice.

"Yes, Sensei" The Ninja say in unison, all except (Y/n) looking down to the ground. The girl watches her mentor walk off, to Lloyd and Julien most likely.

About a minute later, they notice something flying through the air. Cole raises his sword "Eat dirt, scumbag!" he sends earth its way, not realising it was the Falcon.

Zane gasps and quickly deflects the attack with his own powers "That is not a coconut!"

"Nice reflexes" Cole remarks, realising his mistakes.

The Falcon lands onto Zane's arm, chirping. The nindroid smiles "Good to have you back, old friend"

"I'm happy he's back in working order" (Y/n) comments, watching as the mechanic bird flies off into the sky.

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