Chapter 5: Rooms

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The whole group of ponies then went inside the next hallway, which thank goodness for them, FINALLY had something different compared to all the other hallways, it had, ROOMS.


All the ponies then immediately started looking at stuff and things that might help them in their venture and journey forward, well, most of them, Trixie was still very much interested to try and keep hoarding more Golden Bits and Gold Bars in her saddlebag, but in one of the rooms that Twilight and Flash were investigating in, they looked around and saw a couple of scratch marks that were found on the walls of the room, and they weren't just little scratch marks, they were absolutely massive, like, big enough with one swipe of it to take out and finish any of them, which made Flash and Twilight hold on to each other a bit in fear of what they were seeing in front of them.

"Somebody fought for these things"

"What made these?"

Just then, the whole group heard some screams coming from one of the other rooms, and the all immediately went to check what was going on, they found Trixie and Rarity in the room, and Trixie was beginning to cry, a lot of the other ponies were confused on why she was, and asked her for her reasoning.

"Trixie, w-why are you crying?"

"I found a Flashlight, which means that there are going to be dark rooms in this place! What did you find Rarity?"

"BANDAIDS! We're dead! We're alive, but we're dead!"

The two of them then started crying again, while all the other ponies just rolled their eyes at them, annoyed that they were acting childish, Twilight had to try to calm them down and get the two of them to continue.

"Come on you two, we have to keep moving"

After Twilight managed to successfully convince Trixie and Rarity to continue, they headed into the next door for them, which had a dark room with pretty much no light, which caused the whole group to shudder and shake a little bit in fear, but they knew they had to keep going, however, Rarity was not helping any matters in trying to calm everypony down.

"Yep, we're dead, we're so dead"

"Rarity! Stop saying that!"

"We have to find the next door!"

Just then, Flash and Sunset started freaking out

"Ah! something just touched my leg!"

"Ah! Something touched mine too!"

"I hit it!"

"Something just hit me!"

"I got my hands on it!

"It's got me!"

However, when all the ponies got out of the dark room into the next hallway, Flash and Sunset realized that they just touched each other and nothing actually got them.

"You just touched each other, everything's fine"

"Ahem, I know that now"

Just then, the lights started flickering again, and the ground shaking.

"Everypony, into the Closets!"

The whole group then went into their Wardrobes immediately, and sure enough, the Monster passed by them, but Twilight noticed something different about that particular monster as it passed by, this one had the color green, while the other one they saw earlier, had the color black, she tried to figure out what this could mean, Applejack and Rainbow Dash then came out of their closets after the monster passed by, thinking to themselves that the coast was clear now, however, the Monster then almost immediately came back to the room, and before Rainbow Dash and Applejack could get back into their Closets and hide again, they realized it too late, and they were both taken out by the Monster and just vanished into thin air, all the other ponies then came out, trying to catch their breath, Tempest gave a comment.

"That wasn't an attack, it was an ambush"

Just then, the lights started flickering again and the ground shook as well"

"It's coming back!"

They all then again went back to their closets as the Monster passed them by again and again and again until it seemed like now it was finally gone from the hallway, then, the whole group came out again, and Spike made sure everything was clear.

"Okay, I think it actually left this time"

Sunburst then had a realization.

"I think we have to stay in our closets longer when the Monster that passes by us has the color green"

But, just then, Fluttershy found on the ground, Applejack's hat and a rainbow colored feather from Rainbow Dash, with no sign of either of those ponies, Fluttershy knew at that moment exactly what happened to her two friends, and she couldn't fathom and take in what happened, and she started to cry herself, all of the other ponies then noticed her crying and went to check on her.

"Fluttershy, what's the mat-?"

Twilight and the others then noticed what were on the ground, and Twilight just stood there for a moment, the others were unsure how to act around here, and was a bit scared of how she was going to react, Twilight then started shaking her head and began to cry with Fluttershy too.

"No, no, no, no, this can't be true, Rainbow Dash, Applejack!"

The others then had a moment of silence for their fallen companions and friends, but they knew along with Twilight, that they couldn't grief for too long about the loss of their friends and had to keep going, Twilight however sternly told all of the other ponies in her group to be extremely careful.

"We can't lose anymore ponies or creatures here, we have to figure this place out, as quickly as possible"

Starlight Glimmer backed Twilight's comments.

"Starlight's right, we have to keep moving for now"

Flash Sentry then came up with an idea.

"Search the rooms! There has to be something!"

All of the ponies and Spike then searched at every room to see if they could find anything related to helping them get out of the Mysterious Hotel, but just then, Moondancer found something in the room she was searching in.

"Guys! I found something! It looks like a note that is on the wall!"

All the other ponies then got inside the room Moondancer was in, and tried to read what was written on that piece of paper, but no luck, it was written by an Ancient unknown language that almost nopony could understand.

"Does anypony here know or understand what kind of language this is?"

However, Starlight Glimmer was the only one from the group who was able to read the text, and she read it out loud.

"I can read it! It says; Hotel Owner can be found at the Library, at Door 50!"

"That's great! If we can get to the Hotel Owner, he might have some answers"

"And maybe know what happened to our friends"

"Let's go to door Fifty!"

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