Chapter 13: The Mysterious Rifts

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As the group continued to the next hallway, they saw some cracks around the hotel, and the cracks were glowing brightly, and it seemed like they held some kind of energy.

"Guys, look"

All of them then looked at Trixie, and she was holding a light bulb, and when she placed her other hoof on one of the cracks, the light bulb started glowing brightly, and when she took her hoof of it, it went dim again, the group however just ignored Trixie and continued on their way, much to her annoyance.

"Okay ponies, let's not be sure that whatever is in that rift is going to help us get out"

"But there has to be a reason why they want us to get it"

Just then, the lights started flickering again, and the ground started shaking.

"Rush is coming again! Everypony head to the closets!"

However, when Twilight looked around the hallway, she noticed that there was a problem.

"There's only three closets!"

Twilight and the others then started panicking and tried to think of something quick before Rush came, Twilight knew she had to make a quick decision, even if it was a risky one.

"You three go into the closets, I'll find another place to hide"

"Are you sure about that Twilight?"

"No, I'm not, but it's the only thing we could do now"

The others then nodded and hid into the Closets, Twilight then went looking into another room, and saw there was a bed in there.

"Well, let's hope this works"

Twilight then crawled under the bed to stay hidden, and just in the nick of time cause the moment she did, Rush passed by and didn't notice her in it's path, however the others who got out of their closets once the coast was clear, didn't see Twilight around, and they started to panic and worry.

"Is.... Twilight... gone?"

But then the Purple Alicorn came out of the other room, and all the three other ponies gave a sigh of relief.

"You scared us there for a moment Twilight"

"Sorry about that everypony, but I had to hide under a bed in the other room"

As the group continued together, they noticed more and more bright cracks started to appear in the hallway.

"We must be getting pretty close"

But as they continued searching, all three of them found Flash looking at a drawer, Tempest and Trixie were pretty confused why Flash was doing it, but Twilight knew exactly what was going on.

"Tim's in there"


"Well, it's a spider"

Flash then switched on his lighter, and started to open the drawer.


The other three ponies then stopped Flash before he could do what he was about to do to the spider, and they just grabbed him along and continued along, but Twilight along her way noticed that some of the bright cracks were beginning to leak, with some kind of black liquid or substance, she was pretty confused on what that could possibly mean, and couldn't wrap her head around it just yet.

As the others started looking in drawers for stuff that they could find useful, Trixie found a door right ahead of them that was open and unlocked.

"Oh goodie, another unlocked door here, it's getting quite easy now not gonna lie"

However, just before Trixie could open that door, Twilight noticed something on the other side of the hallway they were on, and immediately stopped her.

"Don't open it! There's another door on the opposite side!"

Trixie then stopped cold in her tracks, and looked behind her, and sure enough, there was another unlocked door behind her, Trixie then asked an important question to the others.

"What number were we on?"

"Let's look at the previous door"

"Good idea"

However, when they got to the previous door number they were on, it was covered in ancient text.

"Twilight, can you read that?"

"I"m sorry Flash, but even with my knowledge of ancient scrolls and texts, this one is far too advanced for my learnings"

"So, does that mean, we have to "test" these doors?"

"I think so Tempest, we don't really have a choice here"

All of the four ponies then went on to test the door that Trixie was about to open up, but before opening it up, Twilight went and pressed her head against the door, to see if maybe she could hear any warning signs from the room, and after a few seconds, she heard a growling noise and heavy breathing, which made Twilight freeze for a bit, then whisper to the others

"I hear breathing, I think this is the wrong door"

Twilight and the others then slowly backed up and away from that door, and headed to the other door across them, anticipating for something to come out, Twilight opened the door slowly, but, it was just another hallway, which gave a sigh of relief to the group, they then went inside, and Trixie then found another desk with more golden bits and golden bars on it.

"Oh goodie! More gold!"

However Trixie didn't know that while she was hoarding them, a fainted ghostly black monster was behind her, breathing angrily, but before Trixie could turn around and look at what's behind her, it disappeared and vanished, Trixie unknowingly, then just shrugged her hooves and continued along with the others, and when they opened the next door, they found another dark room that they had to go through.

"Oh, come on, ANOTHER dark room?"

Flash then tried to act a bit more brave than the other ponies.

"Come on everypony, i's just a dark room, nothing too scary about that at all"

Flash then went in for a bit, and then came back to the others.

"See, everything's fine"


Flash however once again, didn't realize that a small black creature had gotten onto his back again, he turned around to that whisper, and then screamed like a child again, which the creature slapped him across the face, and then went back into the dark room with a mischievous laughter, and the other three ponies looked at Flash in a smirky face.

"You were saying?"

Flash then just covered his face and blushed in embarrassment.

"Come on brave boy, we've still got to find a way out of here"

The others then helped Flash get back up to his four legs, and they continued along with Flash to search what they could find in the dark room

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