Chapter 16: The REAL Hotel Owner

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The trio of ponies then carefully moved around the library with very minimal movement, cautious to make sure the monster does not hear any sounds that they make, though that was easier said than done, after a little while though, they finally arrived at the door, however, when Twilight tried to use the key to unlock it, it wasn't budging, Twilight tried a few more times, but it still wasn't budging.

"It won't open the door"

Twilight and the others then realized on what they missed out on.

"The key is in a book"

"But, which book?"

The ponies were not getting any hints from any bright lights this time, which made it a bit more difficult, but luckily for them, the hotel owner decided to be helpful for that part, and yelled to them where it was from the door he was behind.

"It's on the shelf by the desk!"

Then, the trio of ponies immediately hid, cause they knew the monster heard that yell, and sure enough, the monster came and investigated the area, after a little while of checking, the monster left the area and the trio were in the clear, Twilight then instructed on what they would do.

"Okay, Flash, you stay here and keep an eye on the figure, and Trixie and I will keep an eye on you from the distance, and then you could tell us when to avoid him"

"Sure, I can do that"

"Okay, good, are you ready Trixie?"

Trixie then nodded, and then she and Twilight started heading towards the desk, when they got near, they asked to double check with Flash, and he gave them the all clear from their side, then they started looking through the books that were on the shelf to see if they could find where the specific key was, however, Twilight and Trixie made a little too much noise, and it caused the monster to come by and investigate their area for a bit, Twilight and Trixie then hid under the desk and didn't make a single movement around them or sound, and eventually, the monster left them, and they continued their search, eventually, Twilight finally found the specific key, and then she and Trixie started to head towards Flash and the door, however, Flash then gave them a warning sign before they came to him, Twilight and Trixie immediately understood and hid, and sure enough, the monster was looking by that area at that particular time, so the duo then waited until the coast was clear and he left their area, and then, Twilight and Trixie came to Flash, and then they immediately unlocked the door, and then got inside the next hallway and shut the door behind them before the monster could notice that they escaped, then, when Twilight, Trixie and Flash looked ahead of them, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"It's you!"

It was the hotel owner, but, it wasn't just ANYPONY that was the hotel owner, it was actually one of Ponyville's most recognizable residents, one who is famous for his inventions that he tried to create and expressed his love of Science, of course, it was the one and only Dr. Whooves, however, Flash was not one hundred percent sure if it was the real Dr. Whooves just yet.

"Wait! How do we know he's not one of the monsters here?"

Flash then started checking around Dr. Whooves, then asked from him one simple test.

"Blink please"

Dr. Whooves blinked, and it was completely normal unlike the last version that they saw a while ago.

"Okay yeah, he's good"

"What are we in here for?"

"That is part of my sincere apologies everypony, this Hotel is something I was planning to lock up in Discord's dimension and make sure it wasn't present or to be found again, but it seems like I might have accidentally placed it in a random location in Ponyville, my greatest apalogies for that"

"Wait, so, how did you even become the owner of this hotel anyway?"

"Well, it's a bit of a long story, but I can tell you, let me start from the beginning"

Dr. Whooves then took a moment to take a deep breath before he told the trio of ponies in front of him the story on how he was the owner of the hotel.

"I quite a few years ago bought a hotel for quite a cheap price, and I then turned it into my apartment to help make a difference to the world with my inventions and discoveries, but one day, a darkness portal opened, and I couldn't let all of this out, I locked this place into another different dimension then, and on that day in my darkest hour, the hotel came to life, I spent years trying to lock up the monsters in here now, the hotel keeping them in rooms"

Twilight was really amazed at how it came to be.

"Woah, that's really Fascinating"

"However, there was ONE monster that I couldn't lock up, that key that you have from that rift, goes to his prison, but he locked me in here before I could get that, I sense him in the walls, in the hotel itself, it's draining it's energy, it's destroying the hotel to break out of here and get back to our world in Equestria, I think the hotel might have been asking you ponies, to try and lock up the monster that's destroying it"

"Where is he though then?"

"Well, that's the problem, it seeped into the hotel, but if you can get him to take his shape, he'll pull himself out of the hotel"

Flash then had a suggestion and a question.

"So, I guess then we have to make him mad to do that?"

"Yes, on the other side of this door, is a chest, and it holds a key that will open every single door in this hotel, that will set him free if you get it, I think if you open the chest, he'll take his form and go get it"

Trixie then asked Dr. Whooves another question.

"What door do we lock him in to?"

"Door 1105"

Twilight then did her maths and calculated from which hallway and door number they were on relative to that number.

"So, that's about thirteen halls down?"


Twilight and Flash then looked at the door, and then looked back at Trixie.

"I'll stay here with the hotel owner in case you need me"

Twilight then nodded at Trixie, and then looked at Flash with a determined look.

"Are you ready to do this with me Flash Sentry?"

Flash Sentry then also gave a determined look and saluted.

"I have been training my whole life for this moment, well, not really, but let's do this!"

My Little Pony: Hotel Escape Where stories live. Discover now