Chapter 11: A Narrow Escape

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As the four ponies continued on their way to find an escape, they then found that there were three doors in front of them, but they had no idea which one to open.

"Which door is the right door?"

Trixie then came up with an idea of her own.

"Hang on, I got this, Hotel, can you please show us in morse code which door we are supposed to go to"

Twilight thought that was a petty ridiculous idea.

"Trixie, you know that's not going to wo-"

But just then, the lights started going on and off at the door that was in the center, and Flash, Tempest and Twilight were jawdropped.

"See, told you it was going to work"

The group of ponies then opened the door, and continued on their way, and Twilight began to have a thought.

"You think the Hotel itself is trying to help us escape?"

"I don't know Twilight, but, oh hey! More gold bits!"

Twilight shook her head as Trixie again collected the golden bars and bits that were on the drawer next to them.

The ponies then continued looking for the next door, but when they found the next one, it was locked, which meant they had to find a key.

"Okay ponies, this door is locked, we have to find a key to open it!"

But almost instantly then, Trixie found the key in the first drawer she searched.

"Got it!"

"Wow Trixie, you got it that quick?"

Trixie then used the key to open the next door into the next hallway, but this hallway, had a lot of doors, which got groans from the other ponies, because it meant now they had to check and search in every door and room to try to move on, and when Flash opened the first door in front of them, it had gates locked around it.

"How do we open this?"

"Find a way to open these bars around here!"

The four ponies then started searching in each door, which this work would have been a lot easier if there were more of them still around, but finally after a while, Tempest found a room that looked quite peculiar.

"Ponies! I think I found something!"

The ponies then came over and looked at what Tempest's room had, and it was different compared to any other rooms they have seen yet, it was layered with bricks, there were some barells that were blocking some of their path, and it had a different lighting, all of the ponies then nodded to each other, believing that this was the right room they were supposed to be in, then, after a little while of searching, Flash Sentry had found a lever in the middle of the room.

"Guys! I found a lever!"

The group of ponies then immediately rushed towards where Flash Sentry was and saw the lever too.

"There's a fifty-fifty chance that this opens up the bars, or unleashes a monster"

Twilight then opened up the lever, and they heard some noises from the other room, they then got out of their room and went back to the hallway, and sure enough, the bars had been opened and they could move on to the next room, but as they were moving on to the next door, here was a darkish mist Creature that was on the ground, it looked like Rush, and it looked like he was sleeping based on the snoring sounds, and they all knew that meant that they had to be careful, Twilight whispered to the others.

"Ponies, stay quiet, and don't make much noise or the monster will wake up and hear you"

But as they were moving along quietly, Trixie slowly opened the drawer next to her, but that was already making a lot of noise, and the other three ponies looked at her in a pretty pissed mood, but somehow, Trixie managed to collect more golden Bars and bits, and the noises somehow didn't disturb the monster that was sleeping, the Ponies then slowly moved around the monster, taking great precautions, then, Twilight carefully grabbed the key that she saw on top of the drawer next to her, and then started unlocking the door with the others, however, the unlocking noise, cause the black misted monster to wake up from his sleep, causing all of the four ponies to look behind their backs, and saw that he was awake, and they all immediately got out of the door, and then Tempest closed it behind her, and just to make sure, she locked the door with a chain that she found as well not long ago to make sure the monster can't get to them, all the ponies then took a few moments to catch their breaths, and after they did, and they continued walking into the next hallway, they saw some glowing text on the walls of the hotel in front of them, and it was basically a few detailed descriptions of what all of the monsters in this place could do.

"Details on the Monsters!"

However, before they could even see what all of them do, the lights started flickering again and the ground started to shake, which meant that Rush was coming back.

"Rush is coming! Find a Closet!"

All four ponies then found a closet of their own, and waited until Rush passed by all of them, then, they all got out immediately, and they went back to look at the glowing text, but, they were no longer there, they were wiped out by Rush when he passed by the place.

"No! Rush cleared all the text away!"

"But, why would he do that?"

"I don't know, but we have to keep moving to the next room!"

All the ponies then agreed with Tempest and continued on, and this time, they were in a hallway with bricks around it as walls, and they then started searching for where would be their next way out, but after a little while of searching, Twilight found Flash just staring and looking at a drawer that was in front of him, Twilight was pretty confused about this, and asked Flash what was going on.

"Flash, what are you doing? Why are you just staring at this Drawer on the table?"

"Tim's in there"


"A spider"

"Well, how do you know his name is Tim?"

Flash then opened the drawer to prove to Twilight, and the spider then jumped out yelling his name, and Twilight was a bit confused about what just happened.

"Oh wow, his name is actually Tim"

My Little Pony: Hotel Escape Where stories live. Discover now