Chapter 12: The Hotel Owner?... or is it?

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After a little while, they found the next hallway, and the group of four ponies then opened the next door in front of them, but when they did, they were very shocked and surprised to find ANOTHER Pony just in that room, and he had a yellow coat, and wore some kind of suit.

"Hello ponies, how can I do you for?"

Flash Sentry was a bit confused, how could a pony still be around this place.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the hotel owner"

Twilight and the others were shocked and surprised.

"You are?"

"Wait, so, you're the one who wrote those notes that you were trying to lock up the monsters"

"He might also know a way out of here!"

"And escape from here now, we actually did it!"

Tempest, Flash and Trixie then started celebrating with each other in an excited and happy tone.

"Of course, come with me"

Trixie was about to hold her hoove towards him, but Twilight then stopped her, she somehow had a sneaky suspicion that whoever that pony was, was somehow hiding or lying about something, he just, felt off, Twilight then asked the other Ponies a very important question.

"What door number were we on last?"

The yellow coated pony then tried to further convince Twilight and the others.

"I know this place like the back of my Hoof, come on"

Trixie then replied to Twilight's question.

"Uhm, "1017" I think"

Twilight then looked at what door number they were on for that particular room, and the number was "1019", Twilight then began to have a feeling that they weren't supposed to be in that room.

"It's okay, I'll help you through this"

Then, Twilight noticed that pony's eyes then made some whitish and scary movement, and Twilight then knew at that exact moment, that was not the hotel owner, nor a regular pony pretending to be the hotel owner, it was a Monster disguised as a pony, Twilight then warned the others.

"This is not the hotel owner!"

Then, once that monster realized he was caught red handed, he was beginning to form back into it's monster self, but before it could go after any of them, Tempest closed the door behind them, and then they ran to the next door ahead, which was "1018", Trixie at that point was really uncertain and asked Twilight's advice.

"How do we know that this one is not cursed?

"I'm not sure, I just know that this is the only other door we can go into"

Twilight then opened the door, and the coast seemed clear for them luckily, so they all got inside that room, and immediately tried to catch their breaths from running away.

"WHAT was THAT?"

"Definitely not the hotel owner"

But then, Twilight then noticed ahead something strange and interesting.

"Uh, everypony, look ahead"

The group then looked ahead, and saw that there was a Furnace that a creature or monster lived in, however, unlike the others, this one seemed quite friendly, it was a brownish creature, that had tentacle arms, and had white eyes, and next to him, was another kind of creature, he was sitting on a chair, next to a desk that had a jar and some books, and he looked like a smaller version of a fox, he had a red colored coat, and it seemed like he could talk, cause it greeted them from the distance.

"Hey hey hey!"

The group of ponies were so confused about what was in front of them, but as Twilight observed the area, it seemed like it was some kind of information center or a shop.

"Ponies, I think this is a shop"

Trixie Lullamoon then realized something, she had now been hoarding a LOT of golden bars and golden bits, and it seemed like it was finally coming to good use.

"Guys, I have Bits!"

Trixie and the others then headed over to the desk and furnace, and Trixie dropped in some of her golden bars and bits inside the jar.

"I'd like to buy some information please"

The monster then gave her a Pretty snarky and naughty remark.

"And I wish you would buy a new face, looks like both of us are going to be disappointed, ayo"

"Hey! That's not very nice!"

Flash then tried to make a more tempting offer with the creatures.

"We'll offer you twenty golden bits for it"

Trixie then gave a sign to Flash Sentry to shut up, and then replied.

"What my dear friend was TRYING to say, is we'll give two golden bits for it"

Twilight and Tempest just ignored the remark.

"How do we get out of here?"

"Geez, you think if I knew the answer to that, I would still be sitting here?

Trixie then replied back.

"Fine, I guess you monsters are a bit stingy and greedy"

All the ponies then gave Trixie an ironic look considering what she has been doing all this time, Trixie then gave more of her golden bits and bars inside while Twilight asked more questions.

"What does the hotel want from us?"

The monster from the furnace then held a note, and then gave it to Twilight, which she then read out loud.

"I have no idea"

Trixie then was getting pissed off by them.

"Oh come on! Can I at least have my bits back?"

The red coated monster than started giving a naughty laughter, but after a few seconds, he stopped and then became serious.

"All right, I'll tell you something, there's a rift in the hotel, it's got something in it that i can't get out, not being a pony and all, I've always wondered what was left in it, follow the cracks in the hotel..., if you can get to it that is"

The red monster that started his naughty laughter again, but Twilight understood the words that were said, and she and the other ponies then just left the two creatures alone, as they continued on their journey to try to escape from this Mysterious Hotel.

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