Chapter 9: Starlight's Sacrifice

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The group of ponies then started creeping and searching around the library, making sure they wouldn't make any nosies that could lure the blind monster towards them, but when they looked from the distance, there were endless and endless amounts of books it seems, and it would take forever to find the right one that holds the key code

"That's a lot of books!"

Twilight then added a remark that made the others from the group roll their eyes.

"You know, if I we weren't being chased by a Monster, I think I would enjoy this room quite a bit"

"We know Twilight, but, how do we know which one has the code?"

Then, once again, the guiding blue light appeared in front of them, and it pointed them towards a direction to go to, and when they reached there, it highlighted a particular book that was on the shelf, and when Twilight opened the book, she found that it had a piece of paper inside it, and written in it, was the number "9", Twilight figured out that this was just a part of the code then, and that meant that they had to search in other books around the area.

"Oh great, there are different pieces of paper scattered around this library in different books, just great"

Tempest then made a suggestion

"Let's check the door lock's chain, and see how many we need to search for"

"Good idea Tempest"

The group went to the door lock, and Flash Sentry checked how many number switches were on the lock, and found out that there were five, they already had one of them, which meant that there were four more that they had to search for around the area.

"We need four more!"

Starlight then made a suggestion for the whole group, and gave them a plan.

"I'll stay by the lock while you guys tell me from a distance what the codes are, just in case the monster is too close"

"Good idea Starlight, but please be careful that you don't get caught by that blind monster"

"I'll try my best Trixie"

Then, the guiding lights started pointing towards different areas of the library, which meant that the group, had to split up to search for the other codes.

"Girls, I think we have to split up for this one"

Twilight then came with the plan for the others

"Okay, Trixie, you go and get the one that is being highlighted at the center, Tempest, you get the one that is on the far left, Flash and Sunset, you two get the one on the far right, and I'll get the one that is right behind me, everypony got it?"

All the ponies from the group then nodded.

"Okay, please be careful, I really don't want to lose any more of you, let's get this over with"

Flash and Sunset headed towards the far right of the Library, and when they arrived there, the light shined on one of the books, but as they were about to get it, the Monster was looking right around that corner trying to hear any sounds, it was right in front of Flash Sentry, and he tried his best to stand perfectly still and not make any nosies to make sure the Monster didn't spot him, meanwhile, Sunset was able to sneak behind and grab the book, and then the piece of paper that was inside it, and safely move away, and finally after a little while, the monster stopped looking around that area and went someplace else, leaving Flash to give a sigh of relief as he joined together with Sunset again.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"I mean, stay perfectly still like that? If I tried doing something like that, I would sneeze or trip after a few seconds"

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