Chapter 8: Door Fifty

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So, while the whole group were looking for the next door to go to, Trixie tried to think positively for things ahead, even if it might have seemed unrealistic.

"Okay, what if it goes from Door fifty, straight to a hundred"

Tempest replied back to her.

"This is door thirty six, we got to get to the Library at Door 50"

Twilight then noticed that on the side of one of the walls, there was a hole in the wall from the hotel, and it exposed and revealed what was behind the empty space, and it looked it was, quite literally "space", with objects floating in the air, and some black holes from the distance that they didn't want to get to close to to.

"I think that's the outside"

"Well, that's spooky"

Then, when they reached the next door that they had to go through, Flash found it was locked, and it needed a key to be opened.

"This door needs a key to be opened!"

Trixie then came in with a bright idea.

"I have a lockpick!"

Then she started trying to open the door with it, but Starlight then called her out.

"Trixie, you have no idea how to use one of those"

Trixie got a bit offended by Starlight's statement.

"Pffff, please, I have seen a million movies where they use these things"

However, after a little while of struggling on the lock, it became very clear Trixie didn't know how to use the Lockpick like Starlight said.

"Okay yeah, I actually have no idea how to use these"

Flash, Sunset, Tempest and Starlight just shook their heads and facepalmed, meanwhile, Twilight did manage to find the key in a drawer, and she opened the door with it, and everypony followed in with her, that door however, lead to another dark room, which Trixie was not too happy or pleased by.

"Oh please, not another dark room!"

Starlight tried her best then to encourage her best friend.

"Come on Trixie, be brave, I know you have it in you"

After a little while of searching in the dark room, exploring and looking for another door that could lead them out, they finally found it with Starlight levitating the lighter, and they all opened the door and headed into a hallway that had light in it, but then, Flash heard a whisper towards him.


Flash was a bit confused that one of the ponies would say that to him.

"Psst what guys?"

Trixie then turned around at Flash, not really paying attention on what he had next to him.

"Oh, I didn't say anything"

But then, when Starlight, Twilight, Sunset and Tempest turned around and saw what was on Flash Sentry's back, they all looked a bit scared and terrified, then, when Trixie saw all of her other friends' terrified faces, she turned around to look at Flash one more time, and then she finally noticed what was beside Flash hanging on his back, it was some kind of small black monster that had hands and legs like a human, with a couple of small antennas, Trixie gasped at the sight of the monster.


Trixie then tried to warn Flash on what was beside him, but she started stuttering and had an even more shocked look, which now started to make Flash himself feel a little concerned.

"Wait, guys, you're starting to worry me out"


The monster then gave another whisper to Flash, and Flash then finally turned around to his back, and when he saw the creature that was next to him, he screamed like a little foal would, and then, the monster slapped him in the face, made a mischievous laughter, and then just walked and headed back to the dark room, which made all the other ponies from the group very confused on why that's all what it did, and at this point, Flash made his feelings on the hotel pretty well known.

"Agh! I hate this place so much!"

Then, the whole group then just decided to continue, even though Flash was still a little bit shaken on what just happened to him, and when they went though the next door, they saw, they were at Door fifty, they were at the Library, the place where they could potentially find the hotel owner at, and possibly give them some answers that they needed.

"Yes, we're here! We made it! Hello, hotel owner!"

But instead of the hotel owner coming out, some loud grumbling noises were heard instead, and out came out a Monster that looked like a bear, but wasn't quite one, it had no eyes, just a circular face, and it had very long claws, the whole group screamed and ran away, Flash went on his own path, while all of the others hid behind some bookshelves, but when they did, they realized the monster started to calm down quite a bit, but it still decided to look around and search the area, Tempest then noticed how was it's behavior.

"I think it's blind"

Once the monster was no longer near the group of them, they decided to move along the area and quietly move and creep around to make sure they didn't get spotted by the Monster again by noises, Trixie was getting more confused about this place.

"You think that's the hotel owner?"

Starlight replied back to her best friend.

"I don't think so, I don't think it's supposed to be here"

Just then, the others found Flash Sentry nearby them, the others, especially Twilight were reliefed.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay Flash, we were beginning to worry sick about you"

"Sorry about that girls, I found a desk, and I found something that looked like a note, come on, follow my lead!"

The whole group then followed Flash to the desk, and when they got there, Flash picked up and started reading the note.

"To any Ponies left, when the monsters came, I put the hotel in a place, where nopony should find it"

Trixie then was really beginning to be pissed of about the whole situation.

"Oh shit, lucky us we found it"

Just then, the monster heard some noises, and was scanning and looking for the ponies nearby, but after a little while of checking, it walked away again, and when they noticed that the coast was clear, Flash continued on reading the note.

"I'm locking up as many as I can, they don't seem to be able to open doors, which is good for us, the code out of this room is in the books somewhere in this library, find them"

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