The whole group opened the door, and immediately got out of the dark room, not wanting to spend another second there, and then once they were all out and into the next hallway, they closed the door behind them.
"What was that?""I don't know, m-"
Just then, the lights started flickering again, and the whole group was terrified and afraid, they tried to look for closets, but this time, there weren't any closets in that hallway to hide in, which made them panick even more, and they tried to hide in pretty noticeable and unrealistic hiding spots, however, Starlight was the only one who seemed calm during the situation, and then she noticed that, there wasn't any shaking from the hotel, or massive strange nosies like last time, and then, she also noticed a somewhat interesting but disgusting discovery too, that the ones causing the light flickers, were a bunch of black eyeballs that were hanging around the walls of the hallway, Starlight Glimmer then managed to calm the situation down for everypony.
"Guys, I think it's just them"
"Oh, thank goodness, it's just eyeballs"
"Aha! But we can look at THESE eyeballs unlike the previous ones!"
But then Trixie noticed they made some sort of squishing sound and also was moving left and right around them, Trixie felt somewhat disturbed and disgusted by the whole experience.
"Ew, I don't want to look at them though"
However, as the ponies were on their way and continuing their way through the hallway, they heard some more squishing noises coming from behind them, and then, when they looked behind them, they noticed a pile of Black Mist and Liquid was beginning to form together, and once it was finished forming, a blackish Creature, with one eye came out of it, and it started running super fast, and headed straight towards the group of friends! Everypony knew then immediately what they had to do, and it wasn't something they wanted to do, but had to.
All of the ponies did exactly just that, they ran away as fast as they could to the next door that was laying not far ahead of them, but, some bookcases and tables fell down in some of the ponies' ways, and it ended up trapping Spike and Rarity together in a corner.
"Spike, Rarity!"
They panicked and tried to get and find a way out as quickly as possible, but they soon realized that it was no use and the Black monster was very close to them, Spike and Rarity hang on to each other until the monster caught up, and it engulfed them completely, and they then vanished into thin air, like they never existed, Twilight shed a tear, but she knew now was not the time to mourn for more losses of her friends, as she and the others continued running away as fast as they could from the monster, with the blue light guiding them in which door they were supposed to go to next, they followed it, and got by hallway through hallway, however, when it led them to a large room with a lot of doors, there was a question on which side had the correct door from the three doors, and there was no time to waste still, cause the monster was still chasing them right on their heels, so Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy decided to try the first door that was in front of them, but it was the wrong door, it was locked.
"Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy!"
Before Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy could try to undo their error, the monster caught up to both of them, and then engulfed them too in it's dark mist, and they vanished into thin air too, Twilight stood still for a little bit, almost a look of horror, while also looking completely pale, almost like she was without a soul, but the others knew they couldn't leave the Ruler of Equestria and one of their best friends behind them, so Sunset and Flash decided to carry Twilight while running out of the room with the others, and heading to the next room as quickly as they could, as they went to the next door though, there were even more bigger problems that came across them, there were monster hands coming from inside the walls, and it started to try to reach out and grab for any of the group to fall into their claws, and it was extremely difficult to try to avoid all of them while running, and unfortunately for Sunburst and Moondancer, it ended up catching them in their grasps.
And it ended pulling them to the monster, where it engulfed them in it's mist, and they also evaporated into thin air just like the other four did, now, not only Twilight was beginning to tear up more, but Starlight was now also starting to get really emotional, cause she had now lost petty much her childhood friend that she had, Sunburst, but Starlight knew she had to push her emotions to the side as she continued along with the remaining ponies of the group to try and Escape, finally, it seemed like there was an opportunity for a bit of breathing room for the remaining survivors, cause there was an open door right in front of them, waiting for them, and once Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lullamoon and Tempest Shadow all got to the door, Tempest slammed the door behind her and locked it up with a key to make sure that the monster could not get to them, it tried pounding the door and trying to open it up, but no luck, and after a few seconds, the monster finally gave up trying to go after them, and they all could take a moment to try to catch their breaths, but once they did though, they then took a proper moment of silence for all of their lost friends, Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Sunburst and Moondancer, all who failed to escape from the running monster, all of them shed a few tears, but obviously, the one who was having the most difficult time dealing with this, was the Ruler of Equestria herself, Twilight was sobbing heavily now, and no one could blame her, she had lost almost all of her really close and best friends to her, she had none of her Mane Six friends remaining, she lost her companion and friendship ambassador Spike, and the Vice headmare of her school of friendship, Sunburst, which also affected Starlight quite a bit, Twilight was just at this point in a broken state, and the whole group stood by Twilight's side, and gave her a comforting group hug to try to calm her down at least a little bit, even though it didn't stop her crying, then, Starlight tried to send some serious words of encouragement for her Mentor and also very close friend.
"Twilight, listen, we are all scared, and terrified of what this place beholds, and you know Sunburst's loss is affecting me, just as much as the loss of our other friends is affecting you too, but we have to keep moving, there has to be a way out of here that can help us, without losing every one of us at least"
Twilight looked around, and all the other four nodded at her, but Twilight then just shook her head and spoke back to Starlight.
"But, Starlight, I feel like there's only so much that an Alicorn like me could take, I've lost pretty much every single one of my closest friends to me, and you expect me to calm down just like that!? I don't want to lose any more of you, you are the only other friends that I have left, I'm really scared, I want to believe that there is a way out for the remaining of us, but I'm beginning to wonder if there might not actually be a way out, and if we're all just doomed to be caught by all these monsters, and our side of the story to never be told"
All the others around here didn't know how to react or what to say in this exact situation, Twilight was right about this situation, there was no guarantee that all of the remaining of them where going to find a way to escape without losing any more of them, and they too were scared of losing their lives to the Monster, but Sunset Shimmer then lifted Twilight's face up with her right hoove and started speaking to her.
"Look, Twilight, I'm scared just as much as you are too, heck, if I go, my other friends back at Canterlot high are never going to find out what happened to me, unless of course, you get to live and tell them obviously. And I don't know if we all are going to get out of here or not, but we have to be strong and brave, I do believe that there is another way out of here for us, and I believe we can do this, let's do this together, and with the power of Teamwork and Friendship, nothing can stop us, we're all here for you Twilight, we believe in you, and in us"
Sunset then laid out her hoof, and Flash, Tempest, Trixie and Starlight all put their hooves on Sunset's, and they all waited for Twilight to put hers, finally, after Twilight stopped her crying and she started to calm down a bit, she placed her hoove along with the others, making them smile a bit, knowing that they can at least count on each other to help the other, then, to all of their interest, the mysterious blue light flashed to them a number on the door
"What's so important about Door 101?"
Trixie then almost fainted at hearing that number.
"If there really are a hundred doors, I'm gonna scream"
My Little Pony: Hotel Escape
HorrorIt is Twilight Sparkle's Special Day, Her Birthday to be exact, and she decided to invite all of her best and closest Friends featuring The Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Gallus, Moondancer, Tempest Shadow, Trixie Lullamoon, Sunset Shimmer a...