Chapter 6: The Journey to Door Fifty

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As the group headed to the next door, they found that it was locked, which meant that a key had to be nearby the area.

"Okay, everypony search every room, we need a key to open the next door ahead of us"

They all checked and searched to see if they could find the key, but while they were searching for it, some of the other ponies collected some items that may be useful for them later down the road, Trixie, of course, continued collecting golden bits from the drawers, but Starlight found a lighter and a lockpick, but as for all the others, they couldn't find anything useful, nor could they find the key that they needed to open the door, and the whole group then got together in the center of the hallway.

"Any luck finding the key guys?"

"No, not really"

"Let's check again!"

All of the Ponies then checked again in their rooms and searched from top to bottom, but ended up coming back together empty hoofed.

"Absolutely nothing!"

Then, all of the Ponies and Spike, slowly started to turn their heads into Trixie's direction and looked at her, She was still marveling over how may golden bits she got, and then, she saw all the other ponies around her looking at her strangely, and she was pretty confused.

"What's up guys?"

"Let's check Trixie's room"

"Yep, agreed"


Trixie felt a bit insulted that all of the other ponies in the group didn't believe her that she did a good job searching, the whole group then started searching inside her room that she was searching in.

"I'm telling you ponies, there's absolutely nothing in this room!"

But then, Sunset Shimmer noticed right next to Trixie, there was a card that was tied together with a key, on a drawer right next to her, and Sunset was not too pleased with Trixie.

"Oh really? Then what's this?"

Sunset then showed Trixie in front of her the key, and she was shocked and surprised to see it, and all of the other ponies just rolled their eyes and heads, very much annoyed at her lack of attention, and Trixie tried coming up with any excuse possible.

"But, I didn't see that, honest!"

The whole group just ignored her, and used the key on the door to open it and head on to the next hallway, and they started seeing some rooms that were boarded up by wood, just like the ones they saw when they first arrived at this Mysterious Hotel.

"Who boarded up all these rooms?"

They then started hearing some strange noises coming from one of the boarded up rooms, Twilight took a closer listen to the door, and it sounded like a monster was breathing in it just inside, the whole group froze for a few moments, then slowly and quietly tipped their way around it and continued on.

"What is this? Is this like a Prison place"

Then, as they were continuing on, they found something hanging from the ceiling, and it was one of the most bizarre and strange things that they had ever seen in their lifetime, it was a group of EYEBALLS that had the color blue, but as they all looked at it, it immediately gave them a burning feeling in their eyes, and caused all of them to scream and start rubbing their eyes.

"It's just like looking at the sun!"

"Agh! That hurt my eyes!"

"I don't think we're moving"

Starlight then tried calming the others down

"Okay, guys, it's just a bunch of eyeballs, we can keep moving, just, try your best to not look at it!"

The whole group then started moving slowly and carefully around the eyeballs without looking at, but Flash Sentry was a bit tempted to take another peak, and it ended up burning his eyes again.


Sunset was pretty dumbfounded on what Flash did.

"Why did you peak at it Flash? You know it's going to burn your eyes!"

"I have no self control!"

Finally, after a little while, they got past the Eyeballs stuck on the ceiling, and they were able to open the next door and head to the next hallway, however, when they ended up opening the next door that was in front of them, ahead of them laid a very dark room with no light, and nothin visible within a few centimeters unless you had a Lighter or Flashlight, Trixie made her feelings very clear on what the dark room was for her.

"Oh, I just don't like that"

Spike then noticed something that the others might not have wanted to hear as well from him, but he had to say it now.

"Also guys, the Flashlight that I had picked up and taken, might have ran out of battery, so.... Yeah, just great"

Starlight then realized that she actually had a lighter that she picked up not too long ago, and realized they all could use it.

"Hey guys, we can just use this lighter that I found earlier in one of the rooms I checked, I think it will create enough light for us to see what's ahead of us and find another possible route out in the meantime"

"That's great Starlight, everypony, follow Starlight's lead, and make sure you don't get lost!"

The whole group then followed Starlight's lead into the dark room, as she held out the lighter in her hoof as she flicked it, and started pointing it at different directions, hoping that perhaps she could spot another door that could lead to somewhere or something.

"Where's the door?"

"I can't see it"

Tempest tried to navigate around the area with Starlight's lighter, but she didn't have much luck either.

"This room is so big that I can't find the door"

"And my Lighter is almost out guys!"

The whole group then started to breath heavily and some like Sunburst, Moondancer, Spike, Trixie, Sunset and Twilight, were beginning to have panic attacks, and after a few seconds, Starlight's lighter had run out of fluid, and it blew out, and the whole group at that point were in the room, in complete darkness, and couldn't see anything that was ahead of them, a few of them at this point, thought that this might be the end of the road for them, especially Trixie.

"Perfect, just how I wanted to die"

Just then though, there was a bright blue light that was shining right in front of them, and it was right next to the door, and it almost seemed like the hotel was by itself, guiding them to their next destination that they are supposed to go to, but Twilight was confused, how was all this possible? Unless...., But Twilight didn't really have time to try and think and wrap her thoughts around it, because they knew they didn't want to stay inside the dark room any longer than they had to, and the whole group rushed for the door that they could now see in their vision.

"The door is over there! Let's go!"

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