Chapter 17: Defeating the Final Monster

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This was it, this was the biggest challenge left, to get they key and the chest from the room, make the monster that Dr. Whooves was talking about angry, and then trap it in door 1105, just before Flash and Twilight went inside the room though, Dr. Whooves gave both of them a warning.

"Careful, the monster is probably guarding the chest"

Flash and Twilight then nodded at him and then headed inside the room, and it was leaking from the walls endless amounts of black liquid and goo, and it was even dripping all the way to the floor in certain areas, it was very much like a landmine in that room, and getting around all of that, was going to take perfect precision, and no mistakes, which was very difficult and easier said than done, Twilight then looked at Flash.

"We can't stop on any of this"

"And it also seems we can't use our wings to fly here"

Flash and Twilight then carefully moved around all of it slowly by slowly, trying to reach and get forward to the chest that was in the center, however, Flash then made one small misjudgement on one of his steps, and he ended up stepping on the black liquid, and it very quickly began to turn him into a Stone Figure.


Those were Flash's last words before he was turned into stone, Twilight then became pale again, and started to breath heavily, but after a few seconds, she calmed herself down.

"No, you can't get distracted now Twilight, you have to do this, you're already almost there!"

Dr. Whooves then gave some more advice to Twilight from the opposite room peeking.

"If you can get it to take shape, it'll be okay for your friend"

Twilight then nodded, and continued on her way, but as she made her way further and further, the obstacles became more and more difficult, and there were a couple of moments were Twilight was about to lose her balance and fall, but she just managed to control herself, and finally, she arrived at the chest, Twilight then took a few deep breaths, then, opened the chest at once, and sure enough, just like Dr. Whooves told her, the monster started to take back into it's old shape, it was a green one eyed monster, that came out of the black liquid and goo, and then it started heading and beelining for Twilight, and she stood still frozen for a few seconds in fear.

Meanwhile, Flash had now been turned back into his normal self and was no longer a statue, and when he saw the monster goin after Twilight, he immediately yelled at her.


That yell immediately unfroze Twilight from her state and she started running with the chest and letting the monster chase her all the way out of the room, into many hallways down, and despite a lot of things falling down and obstacles trying to stop or slow down Twilight in her tracks, she was unfazed by it all, Twilight went through hallway after hallway, room after room, guiding the monster to her path, until she finally arrived at the door that he talked about,"1105", Twilight then through the chest into the room, and the monster then went in right after it and ignored Twilight, then before it could come back and come out, Twilight then used her special rift key to lock up the monster in that door for good, and once she did that, the hotel was restored back to full power now, Twilight then gave a sigh of relief and for once, she actually felt like she could relax now, almost like a huge weight had been lifted off of her hooves.

Dr. Whooves, Trixie Lullamoon and Flash Sentry then eventually found Twilight outside of door 1105, and immediately came up to check on her, and Dr. Whooves was really concerned.

"The monster has the master key though!"

"No he doesn't!"

Twilight then was levitating and holding the grand master key right in front of them, much to the surprise and delight of Dr. Whooves.

"I took it out of the chest before I ran"

Twilight then gave and handed the key over to Dr. Whooves, who still looked in amazement that she had actually managed to get it.

"You know Twilight, thank you, thank you very much, to all of you, I couldn't let that monster have that key, who knows what he could have done with it had he managed to get his claws on what was inside that chest"

"Well, it's been a pleasure to help you get things back on track Dr. Whooves"

The four ponies then went into the next hallway where Dr. Whooves pointed them to, and then used the key that Twilight gave him on a particular side of the wall, which opened up an invisible door, and out came of it, was the same bear monster and creature that they had encountered earlier and had to deal with, which caused to get a few screams from Twilight, Trixie and Flash, however as it came out, it seemed a bit more friendly now, and Dr. Whooves then assured them that this particular creature was okay.

"It's okay, he's my friend"

Trixie then pointed out another thing.

"But he took our friend Tempest!"

Dr. Whooves then replied back to Trixie's answer.

"I actually told him and most of the other monsters in this place to guard the rooms from that one particular monster, they didn't know the difference between a pony like you, or an entity, anyway, you're lucky that your friend didn't get captured by the monster you were getting chased after Twilight.

Twilight and the others were a bit confused by this particular answer, and Twilight herself felt like she had just skipped a heartbeat, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, this seemed too good to be true, same for Trixie and Flash, who seemed like they were about to faint, and she wanted to clarify for sure with Dr. Whooves, almost sounding teary eyed and getting quite emotional.

"Wait.... so, what you're saying is..... None of my friends are actually gone?"

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