Chapter 6 -

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Author's note : I recommend just listening to beautiful and chill Zelda Lofi music playlists, or whatever you find beautiful to listen to.... This book is here to help inspire you to relax and remind you to enjoy things in life....


I felt rested and comfortable in the darkness of my sleep, but something was approaching my consciousness, causing me to return from the land of dreams slowly.

"You are perhaps one of the only men I know of in Hyrule that would forsake the comfort of a plush bed and a free room... For a patch of grass outside"

"Mmmhn... nature heals my soul." I smile and shift around. The springy-cut grass below me was squished into the dirt. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

I stare up at Hyrule's king, Rauru. He was standing there in his normal garb, looking at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

I can see the sky behind him is already lit up, meaning I overslept... probably close to 13 hours.

"We sent a maid to wake you for breakfast, but you weren't in your room. Sonia told me not to worry, but I was curious about your whereabouts... It should've been my first guess to find you out here"

I chuckled lightly and got up, doing a small stretch to pop my back, shoulders, and arms. Shaking the sleep from my head, I turned to greet him properly.

"Good morning Rauru... I will be honest. I wasn't planning on falling asleep out here last night... it just happened. I don't mean to insult your hospitality"

"I take no offense in it, my friend. As long as you are comfortable with your choices"

"Thank you," I say and stand there momentarily, planning my day. The sun was already up, so I should get moving.

"My schedule is free today. Would it be fine if we tested your abilities? It isn't necessary, but I would like to know the basics of your secret stone"

"I would be glad to test myself... it could help me unlock more memories. And, of course, I bear a responsibility to protect this stone due to its importance to your race"

He smiles and nods his head, satisfied with my answer.

"I'm glad you understand. Would you like to eat before we start?"

"I should be fine... Just lead the way"

"Very well then. But we'll have to find Sonia first before we begin."

I followed him back into the castle to find Sonia. My mind turned away from yesterday and all the time I spent with Mineru.

I could still feel the effect of her beautiful smile in my heart and mind. Realizing that I had fallen in love with her was world-changing. Before I found her, I felt lost... But now I had a reason and path to anchor me in this world.

Making our way through the castle, we found Sonia quickly. I made sure to give her a warm greeting. Together, we all head to a flight of stairs in a hallway I had yet to be down in the castle. The stairs lead to a basement area.

The stone door to the basement room slid upwards, and we all shuffled inside.

I looked around, impressed with the visuals. While the room was rather square, it was large and open, with paths to the left and right. The only way forward into an arena was blocked off by a mesh-like wall that was see-through.

Off to the side left at the entrance was a small flight of stairs leading to an observing platform over the center. To the right was a path that led to a store room, and from what I could see, it was full of Zonai devices, many of which I hadn't seen yet.

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