Chapter 4 -

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Author's note: I recommend just listening to beautiful and chill Zelda Lofi music playlists, or whatever you find attractive to listen to.... This book is here to help inspire you to relax and remind you to enjoy things in life....


The morning came sweet and soft... Sleeping on an actual bed was nice for a change. The softness of the mattress and the warmth of an actual blanket couldn't be beaten.

Light streamed from the open doorway to the balcony, warming any chill from the stone castle.

I felt joyful and full of energy. Rolling around, I made a total mess of the bed, but I wasn't concerned. I happily laughed. This world was perfect, and I did not need to hold back. Rolling a little too hard, I slipped off the bed with a thump. I lay there a little stunned on the floor before chuckling and untangling myself.

I quickly located all of my clothes and dressed quickly wherever I threw them. A knock on the door reached my ears.

"Hello, yes? Come in!" I called out

A maid stepped through and addressed me, saying that the King and Queen would be eating breakfast soon. I thanked her, and she left. Since I had some time on my hands, I stood on the balcony and watched the land below. The distant look of nature put my heart at ease. I could take my time with everything; there was no need to stress.

Besides.... With whom I met last night, something took first place in my list of important things.

I left my room, making sure that my stone was in my pocket. Last night, I forgot to make a mental map of the place because I was a little busy with drunk/sick Rauru while dealing with several things that seemed to distract me.

Basically meaning... I was lost.

I walked around the seemingly endless halls of this stone castle. Occasionally, I could see maids and cleaners walking around at a brisk pace. No one paid any attention to me, their jobs weighing too heavily on their minds... A part of me wanted to stop them and tell them that they should relax... I'm sure I could help them... But I had to focus, as I could feel my hunger growing.

I had trouble remembering if I had gone up some stairs last night. Walking around another corner, I nearly bumped into a tall figure.

For a second, I thought it was Rauru, but that idea quickly disappeared. It was his older sister, the same beautiful woman who had jump-started my mind and heart last night. I was immediately caught off guard by the situation.

I couldn't tell if she was, either. She seemed to show a blank face. Her eyes pierced my soul. It also made me realize that, for some reason, I couldn't detect her like other people. Why was that?

"Sorry about that. I was distracted" I say hastily

"It's alright. I was distracted as well." She gave me a placid look, her eyes slowly blinking, making my heart stutter. I guess it wasn't just a fluke or due to the alcohol last night. She literally sent shivers down my back.

Not wanting to let it get awkward and silent, I decided to keep the ball rolling so I could keep talking to her. She actually beat me to it.

"What happens to bring you to my study? Did you require me for something?"

"Oh, uhh... Heheh, no, not quite. The truth is, I don't know my way around, and I got lost. I was a little too distracted and intoxicated last night to remember which way to go." I grin sheepishly.

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