Chapter 7 -

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The walk back to the castle felt much longer than when I had left this morning. I had barely been gone for a few hours, but I was utterly exhausted internally from all the magic use.

My body was sore and stiff, wrapped up tight with the bandages applied by the attractive Rito woman that I had saved earlier.

My thoughts briefly fade to her as I plod down the dirt road.

Her form was tall and graceful, her brown feathers seemed so inviting. I could only imagine the warmth of them. And her strong legs, along with her powerful wings. I had no doubt she was a great warrior. It was unfortunate that she was caught off guard by those... Arecuda? Was that what she called them?

And her eyes... Those sharp blue eyes that seemed to pierce my soul. I shivered slightly, just thinking about her staring boldly into my eyes still affected me.

I was truly in trouble. Two beautiful women I've now had a strong reaction towards... I only hope no others cause this problem within me, or I might start to doubt my own values...

But I honestly don't think it's wrong to find them attractive anyway....

It's not like I am beholden to anyone, nor have I made any promises.

In order to alleviate the stress I was feeling earlier, I've decided to just let things play out and see where it goes from there. With Mineru and this new woman, Ha'zel.

Better yet, I should just get back to the castle and get some rest.


I arrive at the castle, looking rather worse for wear. The guards let me in immediately, seeing my ragged state. I was an easily recognizable person with my black and purple hair, even if I was shirtless and covered in bandages.

I left the guard a message, making sure they would tell Rauru and Sonia that I was right, despite my appearance. I could tell them myself, but I was far too tired to see anyone else at the moment. The lethargic feeling within me had grown in intensity while I was walking.

I was about to fall asleep on my feet.

Wearily, I finally made it to my bed without any interruptions and collapsed into the fresh sheets.


I awake with a start. I was no longer face-first in the soft bed. I was lying on my back with the blankets pulled over me. I doubt I managed to do that in my sleep, so someone must've come in while I was slumbering and sorted me out.

My eyes scanned the room, hoping I might see Mineru waiting for me, sleeping in a chair or something.

I don't know why the sudden desire to see that came to mind...

Weirded by that thought, I gently shook my head and sat up. My bandages looked tight and fresh. Seems those were changed too while I was asleep. I owe whoever it was for helping me, though it was most likely just one of the castle's staff.

A soft knock on the door caught my attention, and before I could answer, it opened. A maid walked through with a basket of bandages and a bowl of hot water. She looked surprised to see me up and awake.

"Hello" I greeted her.

"Oh, Sir Chance. Their Majesties will be happy to know you're awake. I have a fresh change of bandages here for you"

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