Chapter 5 -

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Author's note : I recommend just listening to beautiful and chill Zelda Lofi music playlists, or whatever you find beautiful to listen to.... This book is here to help inspire you to relax and remind you to enjoy things in life....


I carefully knocked on the fancily carved stone door. Like much of the rest of the castle, the white stone was engraved with different Zonai mural styles. While it was pretty, I was far to distracted thinking about the previous day and all that I had accomplished.

Earlier yesterday, while I was in the nearby castle town, I learned who and what the Zonai were. I had an inkling, but I figured it would be best to know personally.

The Zonai is the race Mineru and Rauru belonged to. Why they were the last ones confused me. The story was that they descended from the sky like gods with incredible technology, and that was all there was to know.

Were they the last of their kind?... A part of me hoped not. I can't imagine how lonely that would feel.

I felt certain that it wouldn't be my place to ask, so I figured I would keep that question to myself. Instead, I focused on gathering different ingredients to possibly make some teas.

I had money- I mean rupees, on me, but I wanted to save what I had for something nice instead of spending my pay. I asked around about different types of herbs I could pick and where to find them in the surrounding area. While I was searching around, I also found a store that sold cups. I felt it was strange seeing a store that exclusively sold cups, but I guess they must be in high demand in Hyrule.

The lady who ran the shop was very kind. I found a cup that I thought looked quite nice, with an impressive Zonai design of a dragon, owl, and boar. It was a thin, tall, round cup without a handle, made of the same strange green stone that I see a lot of, and the inside seemed to be coated in gold.

It was quite expensive, costing all the money I had earned from working. Thankfully, all cups were sold in pairs, so I was able to get two. That meant I could gift the second one to Mineru. Hopefully, she'll like it.

I left the store smiling, and the owner wished me luck. The people of Hyrule were wonderful. If I needed anything, all I had to do was ask, and people would give me answers. Everyone was so kind.

Next, I had to ask around for a regular kettle, skip out on getting a teapot, since tea isn't a beverage in Hyrule.

After acquiring these, I set out on my journey to collect herbs. I wanted to make sure I could spend as much time as possible with Mineru, so I stayed in the country well through the day and into the night. I ended up quite a ways out, so I just stayed the night sleeping on the ground. The spot I found to sleep was just as comfortable as the hill I first woke up at.

I managed to get quite dirty while I was out, so I washed my clothes in a nearby river. I knew my clothing style stood out, but I felt it was a nice way of dressing. I could try the more open-flowing style that everyone in Hyrule seemed to enjoy, but I would hold off on that for a while unless I needed to.

Ultimately, I collected many different herbs that I felt would be good to test as a mix for some teas. I was getting quite excited about the upcoming session with Mineru, so I returned to the castle early.

And that's where I was now. In front of her study door.

It suddenly hit me that she wouldn't always sleep or stay here. That would make sense, after all. But where would I find her?

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