Chapter 2 -

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Author's note: I recommend just listening to beautiful and chill Zelda Lofi music playlists, or whatever you find attractive to listen to.... This book is here to help inspire you to relax and remind you to enjoy things in life...


While Chance slept the night away in the comfortable grass on the hill, far away, a royal couple was having a late-night talk.

(Inside Hyrule castle)

"Where were you today, My love? Your arrival was late. I was worried." A warm, motherly voice speaks to the tall, long-eared man.

This was Queen Sonia, wife to King Rauru, who was currently trying to placate his worried wife. "My dear, I am sorry that I worried you... My late return has a reasonable answer, I promise"

"Oh?.... What could that be? Nothing terrible, I hope?"

"No-no... Nothing quite like that, Darling. Thankfully, the matter with the Rito was settled quite quickly. This was something else, much more strange and intriguing."

She watches him curiously, interested in what seems to have caught her husband's attention like this.

"I met the most remarkable man today... He's a traveler.. I'm unsure where he is from, but it isn't Hyrule or the surrounding area. Everything about seemed... different. He has this kind and carefree attitude mixed with wisdom... He was a treat to talk to, even if it was only for a short while. I hope fate allows me to meet this man again," He says with admiration

Queen Sonia looks him up and down, sizing up his answer. "So.... Getting tired of me already, I see?" She says in a teasing voice

His large ears twitch, and he smiles. "Never in this lifetime.... or the next my love" He says with a smile. He picks her up by the waist. She laughs in delight.

He carries her off to the large royal bed, and they tumble on, laughing in love and delight. Together, they get ready for sleep and enjoy each other's presence as the night continues.


Day 2


..... Sweet summer song...

I drifted awake, my attention coming to focus slowly. The sweet feeling of the sun's warmth touched my face, and it felt as familiar as it had yesterday.

It gave me that feeling you get instantly when all your pain disappears—the warm and sweet feeling of relief. That was all I felt.

I shifted my hands, cracked my back, and sat up while yawning. The sun was rising into the sky to my left as the birds sang their morning song.

At the moment, I was peaceful, just sitting and watching the morning life begin and the nighttime creatures tuck themselves away to sleep.

I felt amazing. The slight stiffness of my back couldn't even dent how happy I felt. I felt so good that I laughed and fell back into the grass.

This all felt so surreal to me. I had no idea what to do... It was like a dream... A dream where you're totally in control and can accomplish whatever you want... The sudden freedom would stump you... But the joy would constantly lift you!

I was living the perfect dream... And I knew it would still be there if I opened my eyes... My dream had become my reality...

... But... I had to question myself. I had no memories of my past... So, was this a dream come true for me?... It certainly felt like it... But I couldn't even tell if I was from this world or not.

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