Chapter 3 -

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Author's note : I recommend just listening to beautiful and chill Zelda Lofi music playlists, or whatever you find attractive to listen to.... This book is here to help inspire you to relax and remind you to enjoy things in life....


Rauru and I sat together by the tree atop the hill. This peaceful moment next to the King of Hyrule was certainly an interesting experience. Again, I reaffirmed his humility as King, willing to sit so calmly on the ground with a stranger. What an excellent King he was, and I already knew that his people practically worshipped him. I had seen it in Tallia's restaurant.

"Being King... That must be difficult," I decided to say after a while.

"It certainly is... Especially as of late," He says with a sigh

"It wouldn't happen to be about what you mentioned last time we met? Or perhaps about all the construction I've heard whispers of?"

"Both would be right... Getting Rito and Zora a safe home built so quickly has been quite the task. It doesn't help that each race doesn't want to cooperate with one another."

"That certainly sounds stressful... I do not envy your position, but I can be proud to say if you ever need help with any situation, as long as I am around, you will have my help"

"You are certainly a kind man, being so ready to lend your offer of help to strangers"

"I am proud of what I am, and I never go back on my word. I came to Hyrule searching for something, but I didn't expect to meet such interesting rulers while I was here. I trust my judgment, and I know that you both are special individuals"

"That's I mighty promise to make.... Very well then, I shall accept it. I can sense that eventually, I will have to call on your aid"

I give him a nod of respect, and we continue to sit silently, relaxing in the shade of the tree.

While I watched the shadows of clouds pass over the field below, I sensed more movement off to my right. Sonia must be awake. I look over to see her crest the smooth hill. She smiles at the two of us.

She sits down next to Rauru and whispers something into his large ear. I purposefully ignore them for their privacy. She then leans close to him, holding their hands together between their laps.

I smiled and stared off into the distance, wondering what my future held.... Sonia spoke up, breaking my train of thought.

"I am quite curious to know what it is like outside the kingdom of Hyrule. I have heard many stories of strange lands and creatures, but I have yet to see if any of it is true"

"I can assure you, the farther you travel, the more things change," I said this with confidence, though I knew not how I knew about outside Hyrule. The knowledge just somehow poured into my mind once I thought about it, even if I had no memory of ever knowing.

"Ancient and sometimes dangerous creatures can be found in many places in the lands beyond. I have seen many things in my travels..." I explained.

"I would love to hear some stories sometime if you're ever willing"

"Perhaps at another time, I shall," I reply to her

"Thank you... So, I must ask Chance. The closest village is quite a ways away. Do you make the trek to this hill every time?" She asks curiously

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