four is a troupe

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"It's perfect," Maizy exclaimed, clapping her hands together as she beamed at me over the kitchen table. "This way you can get a taste of co-directing, I achieve my dream of being a director, and Robin and Delynn can get back into the old ways of working together. Don't you agree?" 

Even after her and Delynn had walked in on the scene Robin had set up, Maizy hadn't mentioned it. In fact, after passing her eyes over the two of us, she cleared her throat and redirected right back to her original point, which was her idea for today's project. This, of course, was incredibly suspicious. The normal expectation was for her to immediately start probing into the situation and coerce Robin and I into a confession. But... Maybe... Robin was onto something because she simply filed it away in the evidence locker and moved on. 

I realize she's asked me a question, and my eyes lift from my hands to find Maizy staring expectantly. 

Offering a half-hearted smile, I reply, "Oh, um... " 

I glance at Robin out of reflex, and he lifts an eyebrow at me. There's a beat of awkward tension between us before he nods. I look at Maizy and nod, "Sure." 

"Great!" Maizy chirps, grabbing her phone. Totally ignoring the weirdness between us, she begins to type furiously. "Then it's settled. I'll text the instructor and then we can go."  

As Maizy was keying away on her phone, my attention was pulled to the other side of the table. Delynn was staring at Robin. In fact, she hadn't stopped staring at him since she found us in the study. Tension drew her mouth into a pressed line but hurt pushed her eyebrows together as if she were frozen in a state of mental pain. He, having noticed it, immediately became unresponsive. Despite her unflinching constancy, Robin refused to look her way. Her abundance of care motivated him into a gaping lack of it. 

But then, for some reason, he changed his mind. His expression softened, and a resigned tolerance filtered in as Robin turned his chin slightly toward her. I watched him close his eyes then take a deep breath. Then, chewing on his cheek, he made himself meet her eyes. It was still harsh in character, but Robin nods once at her in hello. 


The auditorium is completely black except for a faint light on the back wall when we enter. Maizy goes ahead and feels alongside the wall to find the switch. It only takes a moment before she warns us to watch out. Then, with a loud clack! clack! clack!  noise, the auditorium is bathed in yellow light.  My eyes squint, adjusting uncomfortably to the brightness of it. 

"Ah, perfect," She sighs contentedly. "Just like I hoped." 

We follow her down into the space between the first row of seats and the stage. Stopping, she lifts her bag up onto the lip of the stage and starts to dig through it. Pulling out a manuscript she turns toward us and holds it out to Robin. 

"Alright, here it is. You'll both get official copies tomorrow but let's use this for now. Memorize the marked scenes together quickly and then we'll start." Her hand gestures for him to take it, and he looks over her once before doing so. 

My curiosity makes me lean forward to see what's written on the first page, but Maizy anticipates me and pulls out a second copy, "This one is for us, Leah. As we're the directors, we'll have to call out lines. Take a good look-- I hope you'll approve the draft." 

The title is clear as day when it reaches my sight: What Almost Was by Emilia Aplin

My heart leaps, and I can't help but look to Maizy with unbridled excitement, "Is this the--" 

"This," She says with a genuinely pleased smile, "Is the script adaptation of your novel." 

Before I can shield myself against whatever she has planned, or anticipate any potential malice, I dive right in. Dropping in the first seat I can find, my eyes scour over the pages, reading the dialogue, directions, and set notes. My heart beats erratically, ecstatically, over every word. It's all there: their first meeting, the quips, the confessions, the heartfelt goodbyes... It was there

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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