house call

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Delynn arrived at my apartment first.

Still mixing up the batter for muffins, I threw open the door. Her eyes widened as they met my face, as if she were surprised to see me at my own house. Then again, she might have been expecting Robin to open the door and immediately slam it in her face while I cackled from inside the like wicked witch... Who knows what shape she made me in her head these days.

In any case, she lifted a tray of cookies, which were wrapped in plastic wrap and offered a meek, "Good morning?"

She phrased it more like a question than a greeting and glanced at the bowl of batter in my hands. A flush came to her cheeks, "Ah..."

Waving off her embarrassment, I welcomed her in and said, "The chances of these bad boys making it out of the oven are slim. Thanks for bringing a snack."

Nodding, she stepped in and started to look around hesitantly. No doubt for booby-traps. Or a whiteboard of evidence that reveals Robin and I are dating. Or the giant poster of Maizy's face that I throw darts at ---

Stop it. The voice of reason reprimands my spiraling. She's uncomfortable in this situation just like you.

Except she chose to make problems. She chose to make everyone more uncomfortable...

Having noticed me observing her, Delynn smiled. It was a genuine and shy sort of smile, the kind that makes you soften on someone immediately. I returned a smile back, albeit a little more unsure than hers, and walked to the kitchen. "Everyone should start showing up soon." 

Scooping the batter into a tin, I tried to steel myself up for what was to come. "You're a bit early."

She hums her agreement and walks after me toward the kitchen. Setting down the cookies on my island counter, I hear the plastic wrap being taken off.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you alone." She says, except with my back turned she sounds more like the voice from her horror movies. There's a breathlessness to her words, a haunting lilt. I made me imagine the glint of a dagger... right before it sinks into your back.

I half face her while I put the muffins into the oven, "Oh?"

Seeing barstools tucked under the island she pulls out a seat. I watch her arrange herself before she starts picking restlessly at her cuticles. She whispered something, but I couldn't hear. A thick silence descends on the room, draping over us like a damp curtain. Drawing a deep breath to combat the sensation of being smothered, I waited for her to repeat herself. Our eyes met, and I felt myself flushing in the face over the awkwardness in the room. 

Just as I felt the need to make small talk, Delynn cleared her throat and said, "I'm sorry, Leah."

She must have seen the doubt in my expression because she started to blush as well. It rose brightly to her throat and cheeks. "I promised I would do what it takes to pay Robin back—even if it was unwanted. So, that's not what I'm apologizing for... but I'm sorry for hurting you in the process."

Her eyes drop to the counter hastily and she reaches for a cookie. I swallow, not sure where to look, while she starts to pick it apart anxiously. We sit there for what feels like forever, and she moves to another one, crumbling the edges until it looks like they're made of kinetic sand. Seeing that she was about to crumble every cookie into oblivion, I walked to the coffee pot, grabbed her a mug, and poured her a giant cup. She thanked me after I pushed it into her hands.

Then I poured myself an even bigger mug.
I'm going to need it.

"I'm confused," I admit, cautiously. "Where is this coming from?" 

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