Chapter 1. Stupor

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 ⸻·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙  ♡ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙⸻ 

"San'ah!" A voice carries from the hall, stirring the brown-eyed male to turn his head, watching that of his best friend stumble down the hall with a smile plastered to his face.

"Wha–?" San, confused as usual by his friend's antics, watches Wooyoung take shelter behind him as another body comes stomping down the hall.

"Hwa is trying to hit me!" Wooyoung grabs onto San's arm timidly, waiting for Seonghwa to enter into the room, hiding beneath the taller stature of his friend.

"He ate my food!" Seonghwa stomps into frame, clearly irritated, but Wooyoung can't help but laugh.

"Did you label it?" San questions as Seonghwa annoyingly nods his head.

"I would not forget to do that with you two heathens around." Wooyoung breaks down laughing, letting go of San's arm and crashing to the floor in hysterics. San looks over to his friend, watching him laugh at Seonghwa's irate tone over something so simple.

"Woo?" San smiles as Wooyoung continues to laugh. "Why did you eat Hwa's food?"

"I was hungry and I didn't want to waste money ordering food." Wooyoung calms himself down to answer, wiping a single tear from his eye as Seonghwa stands there like an overbearingly angry mother.

"Fair, but you could've asked us to get food with you if money is an issue, Woo."

Wooyoung picks himself up, looking at his friends with a pleading gaze. "I will buy you lunch, Hwa."

"Okay," Seonghwa leaves the room shortly after, leaving Wooyoung and San to engulf themselves in quiet laughter. San turns himself around in his desk chair, leaving his laptop open and exposed for Wooyoung to investigate just beyond San's broad shoulders.

"Are you writing?" Wooyoung tilts his head as he tries to read the words shining from San's laptop, but San shakes his head.

"It's my paper for school," San sighs. "It's boring. I need a break."

"Let's go meet Mingi and Yunho out at a bar, then." Wooyoung suggests lightly, watching San's wheels turn visibly in his mind. Wooyoung starts pouting his lower lip, San takes notice very quickly and chuckles at him.

"Go call Mingi and see what he's up to." San takes his thumb and wipes it across Wooyoung's lip briefly, trying to push it back in jokingly. Wooyoung smiles, batting San's hand away while rushing to stand and racing out of the room for his phone. San watches him leave, and not a minute later, he returns with his phone, already texting their friend about his plans.

San, Wooyoung and Seonghwa had been living together for the past year. After graduating from school, the boys and their friend group had to decide where to go and what to do with their lives, and Wooyoung was the only one without a devoted path. San loved to dance and made it his mission to make a career out of it one day. Wooyoung also loved to dance, but not as seriously as San did. Wooyoung blindly followed San anywhere, but elected on working a nine to five rather than attending more school. Seonghwa was incredibly smart, about ready to finish college with a degree in business.

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