Chapter 10. Utopia

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There is non-explicit sexual content in this chapter, as well as mentions of possible SA/discussions about groping, and very minor mentions of alcoholism through the chapter. Please do not read any further if you're sensitive to these topics.

 Please do not read any further if you're sensitive to these topics

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The break of sunshine parting through dark curtains wakes San in the early morning, unaware of Wooyoung's sudden disappearance. He doesn't think much of it, assuming that he went to shower or went to eat, but the moment he turns to see Wooyoung's phone dead on the mattress next to him, his heart falls into his stomach.

"Hwa?" San exits his room after changing, Wooyoung's dead phone in his right hand.

"Yeah, San'ah?"

"Where's Woo?" San stops in his tracks as he exits his room, eyes quickly glancing over every empty space in the apartment Wooyoung normally occupied. The couch was empty, the fridge was closed, the bathroom light was off and his bedroom door was still slightly open.

"I haven't seen him. I kinda thought he was in there with you." San feels his breath catch in his throat. Where the fuck was he?

"No, he's not here. His phone is dead," San holds up the phone in question, watching Seonghwa's eyes fill with worry. "I-I don't know where he went. He left while I was asleep."

"Relax, San'ah. What if he just went to get ramen or something?"

San shakes his head. "It's not like him to leave without saying anything, Hwa. He doesn't just leave."

"Okay, slow down." Seonghwa stands from the chair he was sitting in, leaving mail scattered on a table as he turns towards his panicked roommate. "Why don't we call Yunho, hm? He's a cop, afterall, I'm sure he can have the department be on the lookout."

"I don't want to file a missing person report, Hwa! I really don't want to overreact after he disappears when we have sex for the first time."

"You did what?" Seonghwa's gaze is wide and San's ears turn red.

"Forget I said that. Please." San places his hand over his eyes, letting a calming breath sink into his lungs. "Regardless, I don't want to panic."

"You are kind of panicking, San'ah."

"Thank you, captain obvious. But I'm trying to be a little less reactive before I drive myself crazy."

"Well, you've always been overprotective when it came to him," Seonghwa sighs, holding his hand out to grab for their friend's dead phone. "Let's charge his phone. Maybe we'll find something on it?"

"Okay." San hands the phone over, then reaches for his own, searching through his contacts before hesitating over a call button. "Should I call everyone? Should I call his mom? Like what the fuck do I do?"

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