Chapter 3. Tipsy

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⸻·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ♡ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙⸻

The hum of San's SUV buzzes through the parking garage, white lights flooding the concrete below as he packs the little luggage his friends had packed for their weekend trip to Mingi's family beach house. San grabs bag after bag, placing them carefully into his trunk before pressing a button on his keys, watching as the trunk door begins to close automatically on its own.

Wooyoung and Seonghwa were already in the car laughing with one another as they waited for their friend, scrolling on their phones thoughtlessly. San opens his door, settling in the driver's seat when Wooyoung looks at him from the passenger seat, a happy smile curled on his lips.

"What's so funny?" San asks as he gets himself comfortable for the hour drive, listening to Seonghwa continue to chuckle in the backseat.

"Show him the video," Seonghwa laughs, watching Wooyoung scroll on his phone until he finds the apparently funny video, passing the phone over to San as the video plays. It's a video of a dog coming out of a pond and immediately gagging with a horrendous noise. Wooyoung and Seonghwa laugh again, listening as San lets the video replay once more, finally beginning to laugh with his friends as the dog gags.

"What the fuck?" San laughs, handing Wooyoung's phone back over as they all continue laughing with one another in San's car.

"I don't know why it made that sound," Wooyoung calms his laughter, taking a breath as he puts his phone down in his lap.

"I think it swallowed water and was trying to throw it up," Seonghwa mumbles calmingly, eyes continuing to watch videos on his phone as he scrolls further into the depth of Tik Tok.

"Gross." Wooyoung mutters, a smile still lurking on his lips from the memory of the video.

San, now calm, checks his surroundings before placing his car in drive and slowly creeping out from his parking space, turning to the right and heading out of the parking garage. His GPS was already set to the beach house, barely overridden by the music played from Wooyoung's phone. Wooyoung sings quietly in his seat, head leaned back against the headrest as he watches the view ahead of him.

"Do you think Jongho will actually show up?" Wooyoung questions a couple of minutes into their drive. San isn't sure how to answer, wanting to be hopeful that he will show up and have fun with his friends, but he knew better. As of late, Jongho held more respect for his idol image instead of going out and drinking every weekend. But, when Jongho was with Yeosang, he seemed to forget about his image and tried to be himself, diving into a close relationship that he was previously devoted to. Yeosang now barely heard from him, going to work and playing games on his computer, ignoring the want to call Jongho and instead making himself crazy.

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