Chapter 4. Toxic

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There is mentions and descriptions of alcohol abuse in this chapter, as well as non-consensual groping. Please do not read any further if you are sensitive to these topics.

 Please do not read any further if you are sensitive to these topics

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⸻·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ♡ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙⸻

"Here we go," Yunho sets down six pizza boxes on the marble kitchen counter, opening the top box as his vulture-like friends steal pieces before even grabbing paper plates. Wooyoung shoves the greasy cheese pizza into his mouth, taking a thankful bite as he nods happily.

"Is it good, Woo?" San watches him with a growing smile, watching his friend devour the hot food.

"Oh yeah." Wooyoung gives him a thumbs up, which in turn causes San to steal a piece also.

"Aye!" Yunho tries to smack San's hand away, finally able to set down the open pizza box as Mingi grabs two slices and sneaks away. "Scavengers!"

"In our defense," Wooyoung starts after swallowing his rather large bite. "We're growing boys."

"Wooyoung?" Yunho stares at him, the black-haired boy looking at him with a confused, doe-eyed gaze. "You're fucking twenty-four."

"I'm still growing!" Wooyoung's brows furrow, taking another bite of pizza as Yunho turns around.

"Mentally, maybe." Yunho breathes under his breath, opening the second box and setting it down on the counter.

"How long do you think Yeosang and Jongho are gonna talk?" San mumbles through chewing. Wooyoung glares at him with a disgusted look, holding his hand over San's mouth to cover his 'talking and chewing at the same time' habit that he couldn't stand.

"They've been talking for an hour already," Yunho joins in the conversation, checking through pizza boxes to make sure his order was completely correct.

"Let them talk it out," Wooyoung gently nudges San, eyes diving towards the pizza boxes as he contemplates taking another piece. "Or fuck it out. Who knows what Jongho is into anymore."

"Woo!" Yunho turns around abruptly, smacking his wrist with the batch of napkins he had grabbed just a second prior.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding–" Wooyoung re-reaches for another slice, a shit-eating grin coating his expression. "Maybe."

"Not everyone solves their problems by having sex," Yunho disagrees, but Mingi's expression seems to tell a different story.

"I definitely do." Mingi's hand awkwardly raises while his other hand shoves another bite of his pizza in his mouth.

"God, guys. Alright." San winces. "Enough."

"San, I'm surprised you don't take more girls home." Mingi's gaze is questionable. He was about to say something so wrong, but no one was going to stop him. "Is it because Wooyoung is always in your bed?"

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