Chapter 8. Blind

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There is mentions of blood/descriptions of a hand wound in this chapter. Please don't read any further if you're sensitive to that topic.

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⸻·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ♡ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙⸻

San can't believe the words tumbling from Wooyoung's mouth as he watches him, tears leaking from his eyes as he looks at his phone, almost hopeful another call rings through with an apology for the misunderstanding.

"Wait, you got fired?" San very carefully steps into Wooyoung's normally messy room, watching his friend toss his phone onto his bed hopelessly. Wooyoung doesn't answer immediately, wallowing in his own pity and tears. San is afraid to press for an answer, waiting for Wooyoung's timid response, but is met with complete silence. So, he ultimately decides to press again. "Why?"

"I, uhm. . . apparently didn't schedule time off. So, I missed four shifts." Wooyoung bites his lip, eyes finding his hands as he holds them together, trying to keep the trembling to a minimum.

San can sense the anger boiling below the surface as he stares at his friend, anxious steps leading him closer until he's only three steps away from him. Wooyoung doesn't bother to look at him, eyes scorned with his own behavior as he settles into his mattress.


"I don't want to hear it, San. I really fucking don't. I know I fucked up, I don't need you to tell me that too." The bitter tone attached to Wooyoung's tongue startles San, but he remains still and calm, doing his best to defuse the ticking bomb that laid dormantly in his friend's chest.

"That's not what I was going to say." San dares to take a couple of steps closer, nearly at the edge of his bed, but Wooyoung turns to look at him, eyes reddened with falling tears. He was crushed, absolutely emotional at the loss of his only sense of commitment. Wooyoung knew he didn't love his job nor did he really want it in the first place, but the thought of having to move out of the apartment destroyed him inside.

"Just leave me alone, right now. Please." Wooyoung's gaze falls towards his hands, feeling his nails grip his skin as he desperately tries to stop trembling. San can hear the pain in his tone, he can see him shaking and he can see the tears curving around his jaw; he knows Wooyoung is serious. All San wants to do is comfort him, but, if Wooyoung wanted to be alone, San wasn't going to stay and pry.

"You know where to find me if you need me." San says quietly, walking backwards until his hand meets the bedroom door's handle. He waits there for a second, almost hoping Wooyoung would change his mind, but Wooyoung remains silent. San walks out of the room while pulling the door closed, letting it fully shut with a subtle click.

Wooyoung's eyes meet the door, and for a second, he wants to call San back in the room. This was his mess and he didn't want to drag San into it right now. But as he sits there, his chest feels tighter and his lungs burn for air; eyes closing as his head tilts downwards, letting more tears fall down his cheeks.

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