Chapter 2. Deprived

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There is mentions of Alcohol/Alcoholism in this chapter, please do not continue further if these topics are sensitive to you.

There is mentions of Alcohol/Alcoholism in this chapter, please do not continue further if these topics are sensitive to you

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⸻·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ♡ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙⸻

The smell of burnt toast culminates into San's bedroom, edging beneath his closed door and over his bed, hanging like a cloud before the sleeping boys. San's hand just barely rested on Wooyoung's waist, but neither of them mind the warm contact from one another.

Wooyoung had the blanket pulled over his head, his brows furrowed as a pounding migraine forced him awake, eyes struggling to open to greet unwelcomed light. His mind feels numb, unaware of his actions from last night, talking up girls and slurring his words, ingesting more toxic waste than he probably should've.

His phone incessantly vibrates on the table next to him, over and over and over again. He can't convince himself to uncover his eyes from the shielding blanket, but then again, if his phone vibrated one more time, he might just have to break it in half. He begrudgingly reaches for his phone within the safe comfort of his dark fort, pulling his phone beneath the covers and watching as his screen illuminates his quiet space.


Are you awake?



Wooyoung sighs, setting his phone down next to him as he slowly pulls the blanket away from his eyes. Thankfully, San's curtains were completely closed, so any light that had broken through was pretty minimal. He glances over to San, who was completely passed out, watching him with a tired, hungover gaze. Wooyoung held so much affection for him in his heart, always wondering what he did to deserve a person like San in his life.

Buzz. Buzz.

Wooyoung's eyes roll into the back of his head, turning his gaze back towards his phone, watching Yeosang continue to text him without a care in the world. Wooyoung swipes open his phone as an angry reply leaves his fingers, but just before he can send it, he erases it. His mind blanks on the thought of lashing out without reason, so he swallows his pride and responds with a simple 'I'm up.'

He turns back over to San, using his free hand to tap his friend on the chest, listening to him grumble sadly at the disturbance to his rest.

"No," San frowns, pulling his blanket closer to his chest, playing avoidance to the best of his sleepy abilities, but Wooyoung persisted.

"San'ah," Wooyoung's groggy voice reaches San's ears and his eyes perk open slightly. He smiles, and just for a moment Wooyoung can feel his heart skip a beat.

"Feeling okay?" San always cared more about Wooyoung more than himself, sometimes a little bit too much, but that was just how he was hard-wired. Selfless and adoring, too kind for this world towards his Wooyoung.

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