Welcome + Character Introduction

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Welcome to an original book by me, Nico, and a few of my friends from school called Dare. It is in fact the first book of a long, LONG series we made in fifth grade and have edited so it's not too cringe.

11/4/23 - This whole thing is unedited, past me lied. The only not bad parts are chapter 10 and everything after it because we wrote them recently and tried to save this story. It has good potential.

Now, for the characters.

Charlotte Rose Harrison

- Long brown hair, light brown eyes, white

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- Long brown hair, light brown eyes, white

- Tomboy

- Family: Cameron (Cam) Reese Harrison (older brother), Kyan Jack Harrison (Father), Rein Angeline Harrison (Mother)

- Hobbies: Art, Football, Surfing

Luna Carrie Hartfield

- Long dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, white

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- Long dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, white

- Girly

- Family: Jace Hartfield (Father), Yuri Hartfield (Mother)

- Hobbies: Shopping, Track, Art

Chase Davison

Chase Davison

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