Chapter 7: When The Going Gets Tough, Get Tougher

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As Ms. Nichelson called up the groups, she could see the discomfort. And, because all teachers have their moments, she let us change our groups. I was relieved when she said we could also work in pairs. Logan and I high fived.

"So, for real life we're gonna talk about our current situation, what about history?" Logan questioned.

"That's what the internet's for, my friend." I pulled out my laptop. I searched "betrayals in history" and came to a website called "All That's Interesting" or "ATI" for short.

We came up with Peggy Shippen, the wife and accomplice of Benedict Arnold, one of the biggest traitors in American history. We started writing a script for our presentation.

After a couple of minutes, she started calling groups to present. We finished just as she called on us. We walked to the front of the class.

"Our historic traitor choice is Peggy Shippen, wife and partner in crime to Benedict Arnold." I started.

"Her husband, Benedict Arnold, was an American general in the Revolutionary War who betrayed his country. Together, they communicated with a British general, John Andre, to negotiate a way for Arnold to swap sides. In the end, Andre got caught with evidence, so Arnold left his wife with their infant baby, burned all incriminating evidence, and fled to the British lines before he, too, was captured by General George Washington while Shippen pretended to know nothing about her husband's betrayal. After the war, the Arnolds moved to England, where Queen Charlotte gave Shippen a pension of 1,000 euros per year. She raised 5 children, her 4 sons becoming British officers while her daughter married a British general. In conclusion, though many don't believe it, Peggy Shippen played a crucial role in Benedict Arnold's betrayal." Logan explained in one breath.

"Now for our real traitor." I declared with a mischievous grin. "Katherine Gabriella Wells."

"You see, recently, Katie has done something that we can't forgive her for: sharing secrets." Gasps interrupt my monologue. "See, she not only took my unshared secrets, but shared them with others." More gasps. "She also was not being honest about her intentions of hanging out with us, she said, and I quote, 'You guys are, like, chill, non-nosy, non-annoying people.' See, I'm not trying to call her out or anything, but she totally acted like a jerk and cannot be trusted, just like Peggy Shippen. She is a traitor to her allies, just like Peggy Shippen. I did some research and, wouldn't you know it, she's related to Peggy Shippen." More gasps. "So, in conclusion, Peggy Shippen and Katie Wells share many traits: same features, same actions, same bloodline and the same fact that they both should never be trusted again. Thank you." Logan concluded.

The whole class just stared in silence. Katie glared at Logan and I with tears in her eyes. Ms. Nichelson said, voice quivering, "Charlotte Harrison, Logan Smith, and Katie Wells, REPORT TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!" I looked at her.

"Do we still get 100%?" I questioned.

"Yes, now go." she replied, tired.

We walked out of the classroom, Logan and I ahead of Katie.

"How dare you try to embarrass me!" she yelled at our backs.

"Oh, so it's okay when you do it but not when we do? That's true hypocrisy." I retorted.

"The only hypocrite here is you! You always act nice, but you do horrible things!" she shoots back.

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