Chapter 9: When Life Gives You Lemons, Run For Student Government

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After the chat with Alora, the rest of the day was pretty chill, until lunch. Alora, Logan, Luna, Lia, Tess and I met up after fourth period for lunch.

When we were going to our usual table, we saw a poster that said, "Wanna have YOUR VOICE HEARD? Then come meet after class in MS. MITCHELL'S room after school, if you want to run for student government." Lia read it aloud.

"Alora, you'd be perfect for that!" Luna exclaimed.

"You'd make a great president." Logan agreed.

I was still thinking about Logan when Katie, Hallie, Laura, Elizabeth, and Ava (another popular girl) walked over. Great, just great!

"Thinking about running for president huh, Alora? Still jealous that I'm the most popular girl in school now? I don't blame you, plenty of girls would do anything for all this attention." Hallie said in a smug voice.

"Hallie, it's 95 degrees outside, why aren't you in your coffin?" Alora questioned innocently.

We all gasped. Hallie scowled and snapped her fingers, and just like clockwork Ava and Katie grabbed Alora and I and dragged us away. Why me?!

When we got to the locker room Ava and Katie finally let go of Alora and I. "Listen Alora, you're gonna tell us what we wanna know or else... We're gonna tell the principal that you live at school." Laura threatened.

I had no idea what these demented girls were talking about. Wait! The day Alora came and sat down with us, and she got pulled. She came back with a mark on her arm, this must've been how it happened.

"What is this, 2nd grade?! You guys must have no self-esteem if you have to abuse people just because you guys are too lazy to FIGURE LIFE OUT YOURSELVES!" I yelled. Alora nodded firmly.

"Char, you should be the one to talk, you were willing to sell Alora out just to figure out the truth." Katie snarked.

"Stop exaggerating for once in your life. Yeah, Alora, I did agree to work with Katie, but I didn't tell her anything. I swear!" I pleaded.

"How could you?" Alora said tearfully.

I noticed that Alora winked when she said that. Alora knew the whole time?! Wow, she really would make a good president.

"Well, if we could excuse the Dramafest, Alora, why'd you break up with Logan?" Ava probed. Oh!! That's what this was about. Really?

"Well, if you excuse us," I said while grabbing Alora, "While you guys act all stupid, we're gonna go eat lunch."

"Sooo... byeeeee!" Alora teased.

I saw Hallie's mouth hang wide open as we left. "Hey, I'm so sor-"

"No need. I knew the whole time." Wow, she is good.

"So, we are telling the principal about what happened, right?"

"No, we're not, 'cause they know that I live at school, and they have pictures of your diary. Two words: basic blackmail."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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