Chapter 1: The New Kid

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So, this is how it started.

I woke up in my (slightly messy) bedroom. I got dressed in my favorite jersey and grabbed my backpack. I ran into the kitchen, grabbed my lunch bag and ran out the curb, just seconds before the bus drove up. As soon as the bus doors opened, I climbed on and quickly went to the spot where I always sit. Except someone was already sitting there... It was a boy, with blue eyes, brunette hair. Odd. I've never seen them before.

They looked up at me and said, "Sorry, is this your seat?"

Everyone was staring. Though I was pretty much forgotten by most of the kids, this guy, Kevin, at least, I think that's his name, said with a smirk, "Hey, are you new here, kid? 'Cause newbies sit in the back."

Amanda, the cheer captain, added, "Yeah, loser, beat it! No one here even knows you, so no one's going to back you up."

I was wondering why Kevin and Amanda had stood up for me. It didn't take long to figure out the result, and it wasn't very shocking.

They needed a new kid to push around, and I wasn't about to let that happen.

I snapped back and said, "I know you're not talking. When was the last time you rode the bus?" There was silence. "Exactly. So do everyone a favor and shut up!"

The bus was silent. No one dared to say a word. I innocently sat down next to the boy, who muttered a barely audible thank you. I shrugged in response. Soon, the bus was back to its normal noise, but I just took out my sketchbook and started drawing. Soon after, we got to school...

When we got off the bus, everybody was staring wearily at me. I heard someone whisper, "Yeah, she totally snapped at Amanda and Kevin when they tried to help her."

"What a weird girl. Does she know who they are?" Another question.

Personally, I had my own definition of Amanda, Kevin, and the other popular kids. One that, if said out loud, would get me expelled. So I kept quiet. For now, at least.

At 1:00, the lunch bell rang. I sat at my usual table in the back of the cafeteria with some of my friends. I was drawing cute animals, when a boy crashed into me, spilling his drink all over me.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry!" The boy said, flustered.

I groaned. Great, my favorite jersey is stained.

Luna, my best friend, gasped. She was one of the only people I considered a friend. She quickly grabbed her stuff and my stuff and rushed me into the bathroom.

When Luna dragged me into the bathroom, she tried getting the stain out, but it would not come off. There goes my favorite jersey. Mom is going to kill me. Or maybe, if I beg enough, Luna will give me enough money to buy a new shirt.

I sighed. "Thanks for trying, Lu, but it's no use."

"You can't walk around like that. I have an extra panda hoodie you can borrow." Lu insisted. "I don't know if it's your style, but it'll have to do." Great. Now I'm a walking teddy bear.

"Thanks, Lu. It's better than nothing." I spoke.

"No prob. It's all in a day's work of being a BCFF. Plus, I got plenty more." Lu stated.

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