Chapter 5: Sugar And Spice

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After classes ended, Luna, Lia, Tess, Katie, and I gathered in the spot we always did: under the oak tree.

"Finally, now we can head to Char's bakery." Lia cheered.

"Wait, Charlotte has a bakery?" Katie questioned.

"Oh, right. You just joined our friend group. Well, Char's family runs a bakery called 'Sugar and Spice' where she sometimes helps out." Luna explained.

"They sometimes give us free snacks." Tess added.

"Oh, okay." Katie said, awkwardly.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just go." Katie replied.

We started walking when someone called out to me. We turned to see Hallie and her followers.

"You being in the play doesn't change a thing. Stay. Away. From Chase." she confirmed, walking away.

Logan walked over to us, allowing Luna to slip her hand into his. "Hey, guys. Where are you heading? S&S?" he asked.

"'S&S'?" Katie inquired. I cringed.

"Another thing I forgot to tell you. We call the bakery 'S&S' because 'Sugar and Spice' is too long. Sorry." I apologized again.

"Oh, alright. Yeah, we are." she said, answering Logan's question.

"Mind if I tag along?" he asked.

"Of course not. I told you before, you're welcome anytime, Logan." I clarified.

"Thanks." he says, sheepishly.

"Can we go now?" Lia whines.


We laugh and joke as we go on our way, getting stares from how big and loud our group was, not that we noticed. We were too busy messing around.

After entering, we all sat in our usual booth in the back.

"Charlotte, are you back?" Mom called.

"Yeah, and I brought friends." I replied.

"How many?"

"Um, Luna, Logan, Lia, Katie, and Tess."

"My, that's a lot. How about being my taste testers? I just created a new recipe, Kaleidoscope Kite cookies, and I was going to make some calls, but now that you're here, you can do it." Mom stated cheerfully.

"What do you guys say? Knowing my mom, it could either be really good or really bad." I say.

"Why not, it's free cookies, after all." Lia said.

"It's all food with you, huh?" Katie questioned.

"Yup!" Lia exclaimed happily.

"Alright, here you go. I made twenty, so two for each of you." Mom said, placing down the tray of cookies.

"What are you gonna do with the last two cookies, Mrs. Harrison?" Lia asked innocently.

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