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Charlotte Harrison was an average girl all around. Average brown hair, average brown eyes, average tanned skin.

She wasn't a talkative kid, too busy drawing to make too many friends. She hated Mustang Middle school, though. Not because of the work, but because of the people.

During the summer between 6th and 7th grade, everyone changed.

Except Charlotte.

She was okay with that. She didn't want to change yet. 

She used to play sports with most of the boys in elementary school, but now they say she's too weak and small to play with them, so she stopped playing and stopped asking and ignored everybody. Since she ignored everybody, most people started forgetting about her. She didn't mind, though.

She never wanted to socialize with new people if she didn't have to. She never wanted to help people because if she's being honest, she has problems of her own to deal with. She never wanted to be a guide for the new kid,

But here she was.

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