Chapter 6: May The Friend Wars Begin

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After my friends arrived, we headed to my room and set up our sleeping bags, taking turns using the bathroom to change. When we're all in our pjs, we just talk, snack, and chill. That is, until Katie brings up Logan. Suddenly, we were all ganging up on Luna to tell us more about their relationship, but she wouldn't budge.

"Fine. Then, let's play Truth or Dare." Tess suggests.

"I'll go first. Luna, truth of dare?" Katie asks.

"Truth." Luna replies.

"Tell us something we don't know about Lulo." Katie commands.

"Logan has an ex." Luna states simply.

"WHAT?!?!" we all yell.

"Shut up!" Mom yells from her room down the hall.

"Sorry!" I yell back.

"Alright Char, truth or dare?" Luna questions.

"Truth." I answer.

"How do you feel about Chase?" Luna inquires. Somehow, I knew this was coming. I shrug.

"He's aight. Chill. Unlike you guys. Now, Tess, you've been asking too many questions over there. Truth or dare?" I inquire.

"You're becoming quite the poet, Char. Dare." she responds boldly.

"I dare you to take a group picture of us and post it on your Instagram." I challenge. She gasps.

"But we're in our pjs. Without makeup. Or hairbrushes. Or fashionable clothes." Tess hesitates.

"So? It'll be cute, I promise. You can tag it '#Dare'. Don't forget to tag us, too." I remind her.

"And send it to us." Katie adds.

"Fine." she surrenders.

"Let's do this!" Luna squeals.

"Time to sparkle." Lia says dramatically. After that, we all fell asleep.


The next morning, we woke to my mom yelling at us to get up. After taking turns changing in the bathroom, we head to the kitchen.

"Finally. I was starting to think that you soundproofed your room last night." Mom jokes. Lia perks up.

"What's for breakfast, Mrs. Harrison?" she asks.

"Nothing much. Just cinnamon buns and hot chocolate." mom says breezily. We sit down and start eating.

"Thanks!" we yell, running out of the house.

"Whatever!" she yells back, making us laugh. As we walk down the sidewalk, we happen to run into Logan. Luna gives him a hug and we walk ahead to give them privacy.

"Hey, wait a minute." Tess says, interrupting our conversation.

"What?" I inquire.

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