Chapter 8: The Truth Causes Trouble

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When it was lunch time, I met Katie at the tree in the back.

"Goooood, you're here." said Katie.

"What do you want???" I questioned.

Katie replied with, "The truth. You guys should not be hanging with Alora, especially when she's still lying to you guys."

"Alora doesn't lie, unlike you!" I snarked. Katie glared at me, thinking about what I just said.

"Think whatever you like, but I know more secrets than ANYBODY at this wretched place."

"I don't want any of your lies." I responded. Jeez. What a liar.

As I walked away, she said, "Oh, the secrets I could tell..."

"FINE. WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!" I yelled back at her, so frustrated that I could have broken her leg.

Smirking, she said, "She lives at school." Shocked, I just stared at her. Apparently, I was staring for a really long time because Luna and Alora came up to me and asked if I was okay. Since I couldn't figure out if Katie was telling the truth I decided to find out for myself.

I asked,"Hey Alora, what if you, Luna, and I have a sleepover at your house? We can call it your initiation to the friend group."

"Sure." Alora replied uneasily.

"Okay, We'll pick you up at your house?" Luna questioned.

"Uh, how about we just go all together to your house." I replied.

"M'kay" We all agreed in unison. I couldn't believe that Alora lived at school of all places.


After school, Luna, Alora, and I went to S&S.

"Hey Charlie!" Chase yelled when he saw me. This caused Luna and Alora to snicker and start making heart signs with her hands.

I rolled my eyes, "Hey Chase, you wanna come to our sleepover?" Alora asked while grinning with Luna.

I went to the back when Cam said," I guess from the way your friends were yelling, I'm betting you guys wanna have a sleepover."

"Yeah." I said sheepishly.

"Call mom and see what she says. She's not done with her client." I pulled out my phone and asked her about the sleepover, she pretty much agreed, as long it didn't affect my grades.

When I came out of the kitchen I yelled, "She said yes!"

I must've yelled it too loud, because everybody in S&S stared at me.

"Sorry." I said meekly.

We all walked out of S&S following Alora.

We took a lot of turns, "Are you sure you know where your house is?" Chase asked, suspicion in his voice.

"Yeah, my parents showed me this way. They said that I need to always go this way. So, I've always gone this way, ALWAYS."

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