Yours Truly Chapter 7

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Spring break rolled around fast

And we're headed back to Hawkins

Back to the past

It's not my idea

It's not want I want but even so

El wants to see her friends

And I told her we'd go

She's been doing really well

And I think she's made some friends

And I'm sure she won't mind me saying this

But maybe more than a friend

In Max

So, in that case she's fine

But she still misses you all of the goddamned time

And yes 


She's kept her door open three inches

So you can't hate me for that

But it's not like I can stay angry

Cos well


You're dead

And then I'm feeling guilty

But that soon turns back to grief

In time instead

Like usual these days

I suppose 

But life is always here Hop

To keep me on my toes


God if you haven't already guessed Hop

This is the last place on Earth I want to be

But there others in this family

People who are not me

It's not my place to stop other people's lives

Since its the only thing they have

God why can't this just be over

Why can't things just be


I thought moving

Would let us start fresh

And anew but there's 

A new 



And I'm falling asleep on the job Jim

Not like the phone doesn't keep me awake

How many people need goddamn encyclopedias

It's too much

For me to take

I just need someone to believe I'm not crazy

For someone to actually 


What everyone is forgetting

Or should I really say


Because the reason I don't want to be here

God Hop

The reason is 


I miss you much more now I'm back here

I didn't think it could get any worse than this

Thought I had reached my grief's final breaking point

And maybe I'd get a second of bliss

But that was a selfish thought

That was a stupid thing for me to say

Oh God

I don't know anymore 

Except for one thing

I really miss you

And Jim

There's another thing I do more

I love you Hop

With all my heart

No I couldn't begin to lie

Because it's too hard to face 

That you'll 

Never say

I love you too

So if you're somewhere out there

Know that I still love you so

I will always love you truly

And I will never let you


Yours Truly,


(A/N: Hellooo my friends! Welcome back and thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment as per usual 😊 Btw I rewatched Season 2 and my hate for Bob was rekindled 🤣also if you noticed earlier in the chapter I totally ship Elmax cos its just better but hey I do understand why people like Mileven and Byler so no hate ofc! Anyways stay safe and totally tubular and I'll see you in the next one! )

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