Yours Truly Chapter 11

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(A/N: I know each and every one of you are going to roll your eyes when I point out the fact that this is chapter 11 but I'm sorry, my Stranger Things wired brain  couldn't help it 🤣)

For the first time since I lost you

I've found a glimmer of hope

A spark somewhere inside of me

That's not willing to let go

A package came in the mail

And written on it was my name

Of course you were the first thought in my brain

But I didn't dare hope

In case I was to only be foreshadowing pain

But as I opened the box that was covered in stamps

My heart beat a little faster

Skipping beats

As it danced

In the box lay a doll

Dressed in faded red

Thoughts in my head

That are better left unsaid

What the hell is this

I wanted to scream

It felt like some crazy

Twisted sort of dream

I picked up the phone

And did the only thing I could do

I called Murray Bauman

Still thinking of you

When I smashed the thing open

My breath caught in my throat

I didn't know what to say

What to feel

But in that moment all I knew

Was that I would stop at nothing until I found you

I will never rest

Until I have you beside me

I love you

And I will do whatever it takes

I hope that these letters

Soon will seem silly

That I wont ever have to write another one

I am willing to risk my world

For you

Because I know

If it were me

You would risk yours too

Yours Truly,


(A/N: Well here it is! This is the earliest I've ever updated on a Friday! Things are finally starting to turn around for Joyce, and I promise things are going to get even better soon :) Thanks so much for the support I really appreciate it, don't forget to comment and vote, including ideas for my Elmax story! As sad as I am that this story is drawing to a close, I think that Joyce deserves the happiness this book will give her. Stay totally tubular and I'll see you in the next one xx)

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