4: Damp Moss - Water

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Warning : Signs of child abuse, but i mean you signed up for this

June 10th

Today, Anthony was happy.

Stolas knew.

Anthony's mind was focused on the stage and the story. His portrayal of Don was intriguing and fun. When Anthony made a mistake, he would do it in character. He did not let the story break.

Anthony's diction was clear. Stolas could hear every word.

As Anthony worked with his scene partner Amelia, Stolas could note how well their chemistry was. The pair nailed the romantic scene of Kathy and Don and got better every time they retried the scene.

Both Anthony and Amelia absorbed Stolas' directions on how to make the scene better.

Amelia was naturally excited and well-prepared. She listened to every word. It was expected of her.

Anthony, contrary to Amelia, had a little difficulty with following all the instructions, sometimes he would even question Stolas. Today, Anthony paid full attention.

That attentive focus that Anthony had, was exactly the same as his performance in his first musical play, Sweeny Todd.

Anthony was sixteen at the time, nervous and jittery. He was practicing his songs in the rehearsal room. Anthony's clothes, a newspaper boy, marked his role as Tobias. Still, he was focused. There was a smile hidden in Anthony's eyes, all because of his older sister, Octavia.
She had recently graduated from college, and she was back only for a little bit. Octavia was twenty-one at the time. She was excited to see Anthony's performance, so Anthony promised to do his best. He had not seen Octavia for five years.

Throughout that entire first run of the musical, Anthony was the best actor there.

Stolas saw talent.

When the play was finished, and all the actors and actresses were bowing, Octavia whistled. She cheered when Anthony bowed and threw a rose. Anthony's face was red. His smile reached ear to ear.

Once, all the actors had changed out of their costumes, and came out of the theatre, Anthony appeared. His face and ears were pink. Hands were tucked in the pockets of his trousers.

Octavia ran over and scooped Anthony up. Anthony squealed.

"You're so strong! Let me down!" Anthony giggled.

Octavia laughed. She ruffled Anthony's hair and told him just how much she missed him. Little Loona walked over and tried to grab Anthony from Octavia's grasp. She was five at the time. Loona protested against Octavia, and Octavia simply carried Anthony.

Stolas had two girls, Octavia, a daughter he had with his estranged wife, and Loona, Blitzo's niece. Loona's parents were a complicated mess, and she was on the verge of being sent to the foster care system. Blitzo took Loona in. Most of Blitzo's family was distant and well, Stolas never thought of declining Loona from staying. Family stays with family.

Then Anthony came. Stolas remembered him.

A dark and stormy night. Lightning scratched the sky, and hot rain poured down the streets of New York. Stolas sat on the living room sofa of his deluxe townhouse, eyes fixated on the TV.

Knock, Knock, Knock

Stolas jumped. He stood up and rushed to the door.

Has Blitzo returned home early? Did he finally figure it out? He did mention he may be over from the brink of breaking the case. Stolas thought to himself.

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