7: Wooden Cabin - Gumbo

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Savin' my Love for you

Alastor opened his eyes at the dinging of his timer. He glanced lazily to the kitchen and stood up. With the skill of a cook, he deftly took out the cooked meat.

He hummed to a song only he could hear, a tune buzzing in his head. Alastor placed the meat on the plate, decorating the food with a few herbs and an ornamental sauce. He was about ready to eat when there was knocking on the door.

Alastor sighed, walking away from the kitchan island. Peering through the door, he realized that the disrupter was his neighbor, what was the man's name... Blitz ?

Alastor opened the door, but closed enough so the man would not enter. Blitzo —no smile— stared at him warry and suspicious. Alastor was unsure if that was his resting face or an expression.

"Heya Alastor. I got some welcoming gifts for you," Blitzo said. Alastor's blank expression twisted to a smile, "How nice of you Sir."

Alastor waited patiently, but Blitzo stood there, "it's a little big. I can't move it through the door that easily."

Blitzo in a little rolling box thing, was dragging what looked like two boxes and a basket of cooking supplies. Well, how convenient ! Alastor was going to get some supplies of his own. Still, this act felt too nice... something about it felt wrong.

"Oh you're really too kind, don't stand there, come in," Alastor said. Blitzo walked in, dragging the boxes and the cooking supplies.

"Do you really do this for all your new neighbors?"

"Practically. It's a tradition my partner insists I should divulge in," Blitzo said. Alastor, a friendly host, closes the door behind him.

"I was going to eat, but I suppose dinner could wait," Alastor said. He took up the plate and put it in the microwave. Alastor barely heard Blitzo's footsteps approach him; Alastor scooted to the edge of the kitchen where there were knives, just in case.

"What on earth are you being so quiet for?" Alastor asked, turning around. Blitzo was there, eyes narrowed at Alastor. Alastor looked down— the man was so small — and saw a metallic tip of a gun pointed at his stomache. Blitzo's finger hovered over the trigger.

Surprise~ Alastor heard mentally.

"Any wrong move, screaming, shouting, punching, flailing—Anything and you're dead," Blitzo said. Alastor's eyes flickered at the knive and sighed.

His grin remained on his lips. "Alright. Now... What is this about? What did I do so wrong to warrant this?"

"On June 14th, you were at Infierno's theater in the hallway to the restrooms. Who was the person you saw?"

"A young girl, I believe. She was petite with pigtails, a rather pretty dress, and a pink knife. Who are you?"

"The police."

Alastor stopped the urge to roll his eyes. Police, wonderful... that mean's I can't kill him or fight back. If I do, they'd might check my apartment, "And do you have a warrant to interrogate me like this?"

"My daughter's life is on the line and I know you're involved somehow you fucking sicko. Tell me more. What did she say."

"She said I was odd. I'm barely a witness."

"If you're barely a witness, why did she leave you alive?" Alastor's eyes flickered to the gun digging into his stomache.

How annoying, believing that he has the right to question me. Alastor thought.

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